Thirty Seven

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Their 'routine' lasted for another three days and just as Camila thought there was a small chance she may adjust to it, things changed.

She woke up to an empty bed which confused her because Lauren said she didn't have to go to work till the afternoon today and it was only eight o'clock in the morning.

She slid out of bed, wrapping her arms around her stomach before exiting the room.


There was no response to her call and after checking all the upstairs rooms, Lauren was still nowhere to be found.

Camila made her way downstairs, smiling softly when she saw Lauren in the kitchen.

"What're you doing weirdo, you never answered me," She spoke up and Lauren turned to face her.

Camila's smile dropped when she saw the tear marks staining her cheeks.

"Lauren, what's wrong?" She panicked immediately, not used to seeing the girl upset.

She'd seen Lauren almost cry when they argued for the first time and fully cry the night of the party, but neither times was she in the right state of mind herself.

This time she was.

"Laur, talk to me, what's happened?" Camila took her hands in hers, rubbing circles on them in an attempt to soothe her.

"I'm being stupid," Lauren blew air upwards, trying to rid the tears from her eyes.

"You aren't being stupid, tell me," Camila pulled their hands up to her lips, resting them against her lips, "you know you can tell me anything."

"Is everything going wrong?" Lauren's voice cracked and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"In what way?" Camila questioned, her voice slightly muffled by the hand still against her lips.

"As in the, you're still trapped in this house kind of way," Lauren rocked on her heels and Camila's face softened.

"Lauren, god no," She shook her head, lowering their hands, "you know how I feel."

Lauren's expression showed that she didn't and Camila reached out to tuck a strand of raven hair behind her ear.

"I want to be with you, I don't care if I'm stuck here, at least we're together," She elaborated, stroking her thumb on the skin just above Lauren's ear.

"Yeah?" The older girl seemed so fragile and Camila nodded. 

"Yeah," She affirmed, pushing her against the island and wrapping her arms around her.

"You know if you asked I'd let you go in a heartbeat," Lauren mumbled, "I've never told you that before but I would."

"I'd never ask," Camila whispered, placing a kiss against the exposed skin on her shoulder, "I like you silly, i wouldn't want to leave you."

"I love you too, that's why I'd do it," Lauren told her, way to seriously for Camila's liking.

"Lo why are you thinking about this, you wouldn't want me to go, would you?" She frowned, the silence from Lauren not in the least bit reassuring.

"Well everything is going wrong for you here," The crack in Lauren's voice was evident and Camila looked up at her.

"What brought this on Lo?" She asked softly, cupping her face in her hands.

"Nothing," Lauren lied and despite being a good liar, the blush on her cheeks exposed her.

"Tell me," Camila prodded softly.

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