Seventy Three

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The next few days were the same.

Late night baths had become a nightly thing, wether it was before they fell asleep or after a nightmare, they always happened.

Over three days all the girls had managed to visit them, never all at once though.

The days mostly consisted of sleeping from both Latinas, none of them getting very much at night. When they were awake they were filled with movies, food, meds and cuddles.

It was the same every day.

Except for on the forth day.

The day of Nick's funeral.

Lauren had stuck to her word about not attending her father's funeral, resulting in hundreds of texts from people who attended asking where she was.

She had ignored them all, allowing Camila to play with her hair until she forgot all about them.  

The same couldn't be said for today.

She was stood in the ensuite, applying a coat of red lipstick and trying not to think about what was happening later that day.

Her makeup was done to perfection despite the fact that it was inevitably going to get ruined and her hair fell in perfect curls down her back.

She took a deep breath before walking into the bedroom, taking the dress that was laid on the bed into her hands and sliding it on.

It was black and came to just above her knees. The sleeves were lace and gave a stark contrast to her pale skin.

"Want me to zip you up?"

Lauren nodded and Camila walked towards her, pulling her hair over her shoulder and sipping the dress up before placing a kiss at the top of her spine, placing her hands on her hips and rubbing her thumbs over them.

"I love you," She whispered.

"I love you too," Lauren moved her hands on top of Camila's, linking them.

"Lucy will be here soon, you should finish getting ready," Camila sighed and Lauren nodded, sitting on the bed and grabbing her heels.

She slipped them on, already knowing that she'd regret wearing them later.

Camila reached out to link one of her hands in her own and Lauren brought them to her lips, kissing it lightly.

"You're gonna be okay Lo," She assured her and Lauren nodded, standing up.

"I just want to get today over with," She sighed and Camila smiled sympathetically.

"You look beautiful," She told her softly, tucking a curl behind her ear before placing her hand on her cheek.

"They're gonna want me to talk about my father," Lauren murmured and Camila rubbed her thumb across the smooth skin.

"Well fuck them. You are not your father Lauren. You're kind and you're caring and you're so so beautiful, inside and out," She said softly, pulling Lauren in for a kiss.

"I don't want to do this," Lauren whispered and Camila leant her head on her shoulder, her arms wrapped around her.

"I know. I'm so sorry," Camila sighed sadly, rubbing her back.

"Are you gonna be okay on your own?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded, pulling back to look at her.

"I'll be fine. And if not I'll call Ally, don't worry about me," She smiled and Lauren gave a weak one in return.

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