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"I win," Camila looked up from under her eyelashes shyly.

"I can see that," Lauren laughed.

It had been four days since they'd gone to kill Brad and the injuries were almost completely healed.

They were currently playing scrabble which had proven hard for Lauren because Camila's vocabulary variety was huge.

"Where did you learn so many words,"Lauren exclaimed, packing the game away.

"I don't know," She shrugged, giggling and Lauren stood up, grabbing the game in one hand and ruffling Camila's hair with the other.

"Smart ass," She teased, putting the game in the storage chest.

"Yeah, well maybe you're just stupid," Camila shot back, unable to think of a better comeback.

"That was lame munchkin," Lauren shook her head.

"Even I'm ashamed," Camila agreed standing up from the floor.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect you to be that clever. You're kind of... oblivious," Lauren told her.

"Well I didn't think you'd be nice but here we are," Camila pushed Lauren with her index finger, a smug look on her face.

"You're too cute to trash talk anyone," Lauren called after the girl who had walked out of the room.

She returned moments later with a glass of water, "that's what you think, I'm really vicious."

"Oh yeah?" Lauren raised an eyebrow, amused and Camila nodded.

"Yeah, it's an act. I wanted you to pity me so I acted innocent but really I'm from a gang," She kept a straight face and Lauren rolled her eyes.

"So you're like a what, a rebel?" Lauren questioned.

"A gangsta," Camila corrected her and Lauren snorted, bursting into laughter.

"You know, now you tell me I can kinda see it," Lauren played along.

"See, that's cause I'm not acting anymore," Camila told her enthusiastically.

"I don't know what's more threatening, your Bambi eyes or the fact that I can feel every single rib in your body," Lauren ran a hand down her stomach to prove her point.

"That's my muscles," Camila argued in an obvious tone.

"Wait, I know what you need," Lauren ran upstairs, returning with a banana printed SnapBack. She placed it on Camila's head backwards, pulling it down over her long hair.

"Do I look cool?" Camila questioned, throwing her hands up into two peace signs and stick her tongue out of the corner of her mouth.

"So cool munchkin," Lauren laughed, taking a photo of her, "this is what I'll show the cops when they ask for evidence against you."

"That photo is awful," Camila pouted, shoving Lauren's shoulder.

"Hola bitches," A voice hollered and soon Dinah burst into the the living room, carrying two large bags in her hands. "How much fucking stuff do you own?" She asked Camila whose face lit up.

"You got my things," She exclaimed excitedly.

"Obviously, I never lie," Dinah scoffed, dumping the bags on the floor and flexing her fingers.

"Did Mani let you go alone?" Lauren asked, shocked that her friend would be so care-free.

"Nah she came with me, she's got another three bags," Dinah waved her hand carelessly.

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now