Thirty One

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Lauren woke up the next morning to find a cold space in the bed next to her where Camila would normally be. She opened her eyes, squinting them as the light flooded in, to find Camila stood at the foot of the bed, staring at her.

She had slept ever since she fell asleep on the couch, Lauren had carried her upstairs and changed her into pyjamas and she hadn't woke up through any of it.

"Good morning," Lauren smiled, rubbing her eyes and Camila offered a small one back.

"I'm not immature," She stated, bouncing on her heels and Lauren blinked in surprise.

And then it clicked that she was referring to the words Lauren had spat at Normani's.

"I know, you're definitely not immature," The green-eyed girl agreed and Camila relaxed, crawling up the bed and curling up beside her.

"I made breakfast but I burnt it," She admitted with a smile, leaning her head on Lauren's chest.

"That sounds like you," Lauren scoffed, kissing the top of her hair.

"Hey, I can't bend my fingers in my defence so it was hard to whisk the eggs," Camila held up her hand which was bruised from when she punched Malik's face.

"I can't believe you punched him," Lauren shook her head in disbelief, taking the smaller hand gently and examining the bruises.

"Yeah, well I didn't do the best job did I? I think I got beat a bit more than he did," Camila rolled her eyes and Lauren lifted up her pyjamas top to reveal her taunt stomach that was almost completely blue with bruises.

"He got you good," Lauren sighed and Camila nodded, resting one of her hands on Lauren's chest and feeling her steady heartbeat.

"I wasn't made to fight," She let out a breathy laugh and Lauren patted a steady pattern on her thigh.

"I'm sorry," She mumbled guiltily and Camila looked up to meet her eyes.

"I know," She whispered, "but you shouldn't be, I was the one who ran into the house in an attempt to save your ass."

"But it's not your job to save my ass, I'm meant to protect you and all that happened was that you got beat up instead of me," Lauren frowned.

"But I like you ass and I'd be sad if it got beat," Camila grinned, her eyes twinkling and Lauren pinched her thigh in response, causing her to squirm.

"Unbelievable, you're laid here, having been beat to unconsciousness only yesterday, making jokes about my ass," Lauren scoffed and Camila shrugged.

"You should be grateful, I took a beating for you," She pointed out.

"I got pretty beat too," Lauren gestured to her stomach and Camila pulled the t-shirt up, revealing the purple bruises scattering her left side. "I'm glad you're talking to me again," She stroked her thumb over Camila's cheek.

"Me too," The brunette whispered, her expression soft as her eyes stayed fixated themselves on the emerald ones she'd grown to adore. "I don't like fighting."

"Then let's not fight," Lauren stroked her thumb over the worry lines that had formed on Camila's forehead and the brunette's eyes fluttered closed at the touch.

"That's a good plan," She mumbled, snuggling further into Lauren, reluctant to let go. The older girl winced as pressure was put on her bruises and Camila's head shot up, looking at her in concern.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. Lay this side of me instead," Lauren assured her, lifting Camila over her body, cautious of her bruises, and setting her down to the right of her. Camila was still reluctant, laying her head just beside Lauren's body but the older Latina scoffed, moving her so her head was rested on her chest.

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