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"Camila do you wanna go on a walk?" Lauren called and moments later Camila bounded down the stairs, wearing her own clothes for the first time in a while.

She was wearing a blue plaid skirt with a plain white tshirt and her hair was falling loosely down her back.

She was significantly happier than yesterday, much to both of their relief.

"Yeah, I have shoes so the lizards can't eat my toes," Camila laughed, slipping on some white trainers and Lauren put on her boots before they walked outside.

"It's warming up," Camila stated happily as the sun hit her skin, heating up her body.

"Yeah, its nearly summer so it'll be my birthday and I'll be legal to drink," Lauren sang, twirling around on the grass.

She'd been waiting to get her ID since she'd realised she had to have one to get into bars.

"I feel like that's not stopped you from drinking before," Camila raised an eyebrow and Lauren snorted.

"God I think I was fourteen the first time I got drunk," She confessed, "but still, at least there will be zero chance of me getting arrested."

"What and you're gonna get smashed every night," Camila teased, bumping into her so she stumbled to the side.

"Oh you know it, my liver will be crying for help. Every night I'll be at the club, downing some shots," Lauren winked, bumping her back.

"All alone because nobody would sit with you cause you're scary," Camila shoved her shoulder and Lauren's mount dropped open.

"Hey, I have friends," She declared.

"No you don't," Camila stuck out her tongue, walking backwards in front of her.

"Oh yeah, at least I can drink, you have another two years," Lauren said triumphantly.

"I don't need to drink to have fun because I have friends," Camila emphasised the last word and Lauren pushed her shoulder so she stumbled backwards a bit.

All of a sudden Camila pushed into her at all force so she landed on the ground.

"You bitch," Lauren shouted at her when she continued walking, laughing.

"I think that's why you don't have friends," Camila called over her shoulder innocently.

"I'm gonna get you and you'll regret it when I do," Lauren climbed back onto her feet and Camila had already took off running.

Lauren sprinted after her, thankful she was in good shape because Camila had a huge head start.

Camila looked over she shoulder to see Lauren quickly gaining on her and she let out a shriek.

"I'm sorry, I quit I quit, I can't go on," She pleaded but Lauren was having none of it.

"You started this munchkin," She hollered.

"No regrets," Camila shouted back, laughing again.

Not long after a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and she was unable to run any further.

"Gotcha," Lauren smirked and Camila groaned.

She turned the smaller girl around so they were facing each other, still keeping a firm grip on her waist.

"It's not my fault you've got no friends," Camila grinned and then their lips were crashed together, moving in sync with each other.

Neither of them knew who initiated the kiss but all Lauren knew was that Camila's lips were on the same level of softness as of what you'd expect from clouds or marshmallows and all Camila knew was that Lauren's lips tasted of cherries and that this was way better than any other kiss she'd received.

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