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"Camz I've got you something," Lauren called as she entered the room, a small box in her hands.

Camila looked up from where she was sat laughing with Dinah and Normani.

It had been just over a month since Camila confessed about her past with Austin.

Not much had progressed in their relationship, Camila still hadn't said the words she wanted to most, not that Lauren wanted to pressure her into saying them.

She was beyond patient, assuring her that she didn't care and that she would wait for her, holding her during her moments of insecurities.

They hadn't done anything intimate either, their kisses were still soft and gentle, lacking hunger and desire.

Not that Lauren was complaining, she was happy to hold Camila in her arms all day if she could and after finding out about Austin, she especially didn't want to pressure her into doing anything.

"But it's not an occasion?" Camila questioned innocently, taking the neatly wrapped object out of Lauren's hand.

"I know but just open it," Lauren bounced on her heels excitedly, clasping her fingers together.

Camila carefully began to peel away the wrapping paper, not wanting to break the object if it was fragile.

"Hurry the fuck up!"

Dinah's voice startled them all and they jumped at the sudden loudness, all turning to face the youngest with matching glares.

"Babe leave her alone," Normani scolded but it was too late because Camila had already tore off the rest of the paper, fed up of Dinah's impatient attitude.

"Is this pretend?" She asked nervously, "because I don't think I find it very funny."

"It's not pretend baby, it's for you," Lauren laughed gently, crouching in front of her.

"Is it filled with rocks or something, do you two know something? Is this a prank?" Camila turned to face Normani and Dinah who only shrugged. She lifted the box up to shake it and Lauren hurriedly it off her.

"It's real Camzi, you'll break it if you do that," She told her and Camila took it back, removing it from its box and feeling the cold metal of the smooth iPhone as she held it gently in her hands.

"But why would you get me this?" She giggled confusedly, looking into Lauren's eyes to see if she was being honest with her.

"Because I wanted you to have one," Lauren answered simply, scrunching up her nose and Camila put it on the couch and threw herself into Lauren's arms, nearly knocking the pair of them backwards.

"You're the best Lolo," She exclaimed and Lauren rubbed her back, laughing.

"I'm glad you like it," She grinned and Normani and Dinah awed at the scene.

"But aren't you scared that I'll phone someone, or do something bad?" Camila frowned, pulling back to meet her face.

"Well I've had to get Dinah, the computer genius here, to block a few numbers and stuff and I'll maybe check it if I think you're doing something suspicious but I trust you," Lauren told her and Camila leant forward to plant a kiss on Lauren's lips.

"Thank you so so much," She squealed, rubbing their noses together in a butterfly kiss.

"I love you," Lauren kissed her cheek delicately before releasing the younger girl and standing up, "but I have something else for you."

"Lolo stop buying me things when I can't get you anything in return," Camila whined, pushing her shoulder.

"Hey, I love my bracelet. And besides, I never bought this," Lauren shrugged, taking Camila's hand and guiding her to the front door.

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