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That night Lauren announced Ally could sleep over, borrowing a pair of Camila's pyjamas. Dinah and Normani already kept clothes and Lauren's because this happened on the usual so they'd decided it was best rather than to keep borrowing Lauren's clothes that never found their way back to her.

They all piled into the living room, Lauren and Camila on one couch and Dinah, Normani and Ally on the other.

"What song should I put on?" Lauren questioned, immediately having requests hollered at her.

"Beyoncé, my one true love, bitch if you don't put Bey on I will cut you," Threats flew from Normani's mouth, cut short by the sound of Drunk In Love playing through the speakers.

"How long have you two been together?" Ally asked the two girls sat on either side of her.

After explaining that the girls didn't kill anyone, they killed bad people, Ally, being her usual self, decided that she didn't care and everyone has a bad feature about them. She got on great with all of the three but Dinah and Mani had especially took to her.

Hence why she was sat between the couple.

"Since I was sixteen, I'm nearly nineteen though but I'm still considered the baby, even t though Mila is nineteen," Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Awe I can't believe I missed your birthday Mila," Ally pouted.

"It's not like it would've been fun anyway, just a boring party that my Dad was planning," Camila laughed.

She hated parties enough on their own but filled with her dads business friends and their obnoxious kids made them ten times worse.

"It's my birthday next, and I can drink," Normani whooped excitedly.

"And you'll buy me drinks too," Dinah sang, cut off my Normani's look.

"No," She sniggered, "you're awful when you're drunk, you're such a lightweight."

"Ally's a lightweight," Camila stuck her tongue out at the blonde.

"Mila you've seen me drunk like what, once?" Ally scoffed.

Her family was very religious so she actually waited until she was legal to drink and even then she rarely got past tipsy.

"Mila, I need you to pick me up, I can't feel my feet and I'm lost in the bathroom," Camila's words were obviously mimicking a conversation they'd had before.

"I wasn't lost I just couldn't figure out which door to get out with," Ally protested quickly, shaking her head.

"Girl I get you, there's about forty cubicle doors in club bathrooms," Normani defended her and Ally smiled smugly.

"Yeah Walz, don't be mean to Ally," Dinah agreed, using the small girl's head as an armrest.

"Hey," Camila whined, confused on how her comment to Ally had gone to everyone turning it onto her.

"Leave her alone you two," Lauren scolded playfully, wrapping an around around her girlfriend's waist.

"No, let them at her, she deserves this. She's been bullying me for years," Ally declared.

"Is the pizza here, one of you should go get it," Camila hastily changed the subject and after everyone stared at Lauren, because it was her house, the Cuban ran to the kitchen to collect it.

"I'll go help her," Ally immediately offered, following the raven-haired girl.

"Oh hey Ally," Lauren smiled when she saw the blonde who took a few boxes off of her.

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