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"Lolo," Camila called as she walked into the bedroom, her hands held behind her back firmly.

"Yeah," Lauren groaned tiredly, rubbing her bleary eyes.

It was the next morning and Camila had woke surprisingly early after she got a good nights sleep for the first time in forever.

That may have been related to the fact that Lauren had her arms wrapped around the entire night and scratched her back until she was certain she was fast asleep.

"Good morning," She smiled brightly and Lauren propped herself up on her elbows.

Camila found that even with her tired eyes and bed head, she still couldn't find a physical flaw on her body.

"You're happy for this early, are you drunk?" Lauren raised an eyebrow jokingly and Camila rolled her eyes.

"Yeah I found your stash of vodka, can you smell it on me," She played along as she walked over to her, sitting over her shins with her hands still placed behind her back.

"Is everything okay Camz, you're hiding your hands. You haven't been hurting yourself again, have you?" Lauren asked, instantly becoming worried as she reached for Camila's arm but the younger girl yanked it away.

"No no, that's not it," She laughed hastily, "i.. i... okay I'm going to sound really stupid because I'm not very good at speeches but I just wanted to say that I really, really like you Lauren and that I know I-I don't want to say the... the other words yet because I-I can't already but I, um, I got you something," She rambled shyly and Lauren was watching her with a look of complete adoration of her face that made Camila's stomach flip. "Well I never, Mani gave it to me for when the moment 'felt right' but I don't know when the moment is ever going to be right because what if I choose a moment but then a better moment comes along after, it's not as meaningful. So I'm going to give it to you now because I'm happy and I think you are too, well I hope you are. I hope you like it cause it's the only thing I have besides my clothes and I don't think they'd fit you," She let out a nervous giggle.

"Camz," Lauren stopped her before she could continue her drawn out speech and Camila closed her mouth, her eyes clouding over in worry, "any moment with you is perfect, it's impossible to choose just one. And I'll love anything that you, and Mani, give me because it comes from you," She assured her and Camila nodded, removing her hands from behind her back and revealing the small box. 

Lauren took it off her with a smile, opening the lid and revealing the two bracelets.

"They're beautiful," Lauren gasped, her hand flying to her mouth.

"Do you think, thank god," Camila let out a relieved laugh and took one of the bracelets out of the box. "Look, there's two so we can each have one and on the back it's got 'forever and always' engraved on it. You can choose which one you want."

"I'll have the one that says 'forever' and you can have the one that says 'and always'. I know your relationship was bad in the past but I'm not like him, I promise. I won't ever leave you Camz, I'll be your forever," She told her, her eyes fixated on Camila's chocolate ones.

The words were enough to bring Camila near tears and she shook her head, blinking furiously.

"And I'll be your always," She told her, taking the bracelet out of Lauren's hands and fastening it to Lauren's wrist.

Lauren did the same to Camila before cupping her face.

"Thank you so much, I love you," She whispered and Camila internally cursed herself for she wanted so desperately to repeat the words back but she couldn't force them out of her mouth.

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