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For once it was Camila who woke up last that morning.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Keana beamed, watching her from her position perched on the arm of the couch opposite her.

"Hello," Camila rubbed her bleary eyes, looking around the otherwise empty room.

"Vero's cooking pancakes. She can't cook but she's really excited to show Lucy that she's learnt, it's over some argument that happened years ago. I stayed down here because Alexa always cooks the last of the mixture and she's a fucking awesome cook and if I haven't ate she has to let me have it," Keana explained eagerly and Camila nodded slowly as her tired brain struggled to absorb her plan.

As if on queue, they sound of the smoke alarm blared sounded, alerting both the girls. They leapt onto their feet, running up the stairs to find utter chaos in the kitchen.

Lucy was screaming at Vero who was brandishing a spatula in frustration, Normani was waving a towel to try and clear the smoke, Dinah was spitting some chewed up pancake into the trash, Lauren was pouring water onto the frying pan which was on fire and Alexa just looked kind of dazed.

"What the fuck?" Keana hollered over the turmoil, catching everyone's attention.

Camila blinked, not one hundred percent certain that this wasn't a dream.

"Oh hi Mila," Vero smiled and Lucy's jaw dropped in disbelief at the causal tone.

"Are you fucking dumb, pass me that spatula before I shove it up your fucking ass," She yelled, snatching the object out of her hands and throwing it in the sink.

"Vero that was fucking nasty, Luce was right, you can't cook," Dinah shuddered and Lauren, having finally put out the fire, scraped the charred contents into the trash before placing the pan into the sink.

"I'm hungry," Keana announced and was immediately met with cold looks from everyone.

"Not the time," Normani growled at the same time Vero exclaimed; "I'll cook you something!"

"No," Lucy shook her head violently, "no, you're not aloud near the kitchen again!"

"Okay then, chef Lucia will cook you your breakfast because she's obviously the best at cooking," Vero's tone was dripping with sarcasm and Normani flicked the towel at her so it hit the small of her back, causing her to yelp in pain.

"Shut your mouth," She commanded and Alexa handed Camila a plate containing some waffles.

"They're for you," She told her and the younger Latina offered her a small smile.

It was obvious to anyone paying attention that Camila was completely lost in the mass of chaos, looking like a dear caught in headlights but everyone except Lauren and Alexa were too focused on the pancake situation to notice and Lauren and Camila weren't even on speaking terms.

"Thank you," She said graciously, taking a seat at the island and cutting into her waffle.

"You okay Mila?" Normani placed her hand in between Camila's shoulder blades, concerned.

"Yes, thank you, I'm fine," Camila relied quietly and everyone picked up on how reserved she sounded but decided against mentioning it. "

"You have to leave quite early today boo, Lauren's Dad text her and she has to go see someone," Lucy informed her and Camila nodded wordlessly, despite dreading the time when she had to leave.

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