Fifty Seven

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AN: There's more drama in the next two chapters so sorry but not sorry because drama leads to fluff and fluff is great

"Camz?" She frowned groggily, sitting up and
rubbing her eyes.

Her eyes adjusted to the darkness as she looked around the room, finding no sign of her girlfriend.

"Camila?" She called a bit louder, climbing out of bed and grabbing a hoodie from the floor.

She walked out of the room, pulling the piece of clothing over her head. All the lights were off upstairs so Lauren ran downstairs, growing more frantic by the second.

Her stomach sank when she saw the front door open.

"CAMILA?" She shouted desperately, rushing outside.

She sighed with relief when she saw the figure of her girlfriend hunched up on the porch step.

"What are you doing Camz? You're gonna get a cold," Lauren spoke softly so not to scare her whilst trying to recover from her mini heart attack.

"I don't feel well," Camila mumbled and Lauren walked towards her, sitting beside the younger girl and wrapping an arm around her.

"You're burning up!" She exclaimed, pulling away and pressing the back of her hand to Camila's forehead. Her skin was boiling, despite being sat in the cool night air.

"I don't feel very well," Camila repeated, sniffling a little and Lauren pulled her into an embrace.

"Do you want to stay here for a bit until you cool down?" Lauren suggested and Camila nodded, moving so she was sat on Lauren's lap, her head leant against Lauren's shoulder as she faced away from her.

Lauren started stroking back her hair that was stuck to her clammy forehead, an arm wrapped loosely around her stomach. She occasionally pressed kisses to the top of Camila's head which had started to loll backwards.

It was when Lauren realized she was supporting Camila's weight did she look down at the younger girl, only to find her eyes closed as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Camila? Camz?" Lauren gently shook her awake and Camila groaned. "You're scaring me baby. Are you okay?"

Camila nodded, barely though, and Lauren bit on her lip.

"Okay. Let's go inside and get you a drink," She said doubtfully, standing up and helping Camila up after her. The minute the brunette was on her feet her face paled dramatically and she crumpled towards the floor. Lauren caught her, picking her up bridal style and carrying her into the house.

She grabbed her mobile, standing Camila on her feet and trapping her between her body and the kitchen counter. She shakily dialled Maria's number, holding the phone to her ear.

"C'mon Camz. You're okay, please stay awake," Lauren mumbled, feeling Camila's hands rest on her chest. "Maria! Something's wrong with Camila!"

"Hey. You need to calm down. Tell me what's wrong with her."

"I-I don't know. She's pale and hot and she keeps collapsing," Lauren listed, holding onto her girlfriend for dear life.

"Bring her to me. I'll help her, okay? But you need to calm down. You panicking won't help anything. Okay?"


"Okay, I'll see you soon. Camila will be okay, I promise."

The drive to Maria's house felt like it took hours.

Camila was laid in the back, slumped against the door whilst she drifted in and out of sleep. Her skin was pale and glistened with a layer of sweat in the moonlit car, her hair still messy from sleep.

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