Twenty Nine

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Lauren stood in the doorway, watching the figure of the smaller girl that was sat hunched up on the step of the porch, an all too familiar scene. The Cuban-American was yet to sense the presence of her girlfriend, continuing to scuff her trainer against the wood, picking at the loose string that had appeared on the hem of her t-shirt.

"Camz," Lauren called out, trying to catch the younger girl's attention.

Camila either didn't hear or just chose to ignore her because she didn't reply.

"Camila," She tried again, her voice monotone.

"Go away," Camila told her, keeping her eyes straight ahead.

"Come inside Camila," Lauren sighed.

"I don't want to talk," Camila argued, standing her ground.

"I said come inside," Lauren repeated, her tone more firm. "I swear to god I'll come over and carry you inside."

Camila didn't budge so Lauren walked out, perching beside her on the step.

"Vero told me you were crying," She said, staring straight ahead of her.

"It took you nearly two hours to come see for yourself, did Dinah change your opinion on me?" The petite girl laughed bitterly, kicking a pebble her foot had found.

"She hadn't spoke to anyone, she's in her room," Lauren informed her, ignoring Camila's comments.

"I probably broke her voice box when I attacked her," Camila replied snidely.

"Normani wants to speak to you," Lauren announced and Camila scoffed.

"Can't you just drop me off at your house, it's not like I can go anywhere, you can even handcuff me," She rolled her eyes.

"Why the fuck are you acting like I'm going to start treating you like a prisoner again?" Lauren asked harshly.

"Has Dinah not told you, she sure told me a lot of things about us," Camila replied, her time equally as angry.

"I don't know what happened Camila, I told you, she only told us what she said when you were there," Lauren shouted, her sudden raised volume startling Camila.

"Well you should have listened to me, I'd have told you but you wouldn't even look at me," Camila cried out, pulling the loose string so it snapped in her fingers.

"Then tell me, tell me what happened," Lauren was calmer now.

"Like you'd believe me, go get Dinah to tell you, clearly her thoughts and feelings are more valid than mine," Camila scoffed, standing up and turning back towards the house.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asked, clambering onto her feet.

"Away from you," Camila muttered, walking into the house. Moments later Normani was leant against the doorframe, staring at her friend.

"Good look getting her to speak to you," Lauren rolled her eyes and Normani smiled slightly.

"Hey, at least you communicated, Dinah's refusing to talk to me whatsoever," She shrugged.

"Where are the other girls?" Lauren raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"In the basement drinking the vodka, they had their priorities set from the moment they walked in," Normani laughed and Lauren rolled her eyes.

"I'm about this close to joining them," She held up her thumb and finger so there was a small space between them.

It turned out that Camila had locked herself in a spare bedroom and after many attempts of trying to get her to unlock it, Lauren picked the lock and the door swung open.

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