Thirty Five

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It was two days later when Ally burst into the house.

"Easy there midget, Mila's in the kitchen," Dinah stopped her from her frantic search, holding out her hands with a small laugh.

"Is she okay?" Ally breathed out and Dinah bit her lip.

"See for yourself," She shrugged and Ally made her way to the kitchen, finding Camila pouring herself a glass out water.

"Oh Camila," She exclaimed, darting forward and grabbing ahold of her arm.

"You can't do that," Camila leapt in fear, turning to face her friend. "I'm-I'm sorry but you can't touch me."

"Okay, okay, I won't touch you, how are you?" Ally asked softly, holding her hands in surrender.

"Good, I think," Camila frowned, taking a small sip of her water before pouring it away.

She only got it in the first place because she needed something to do.

"I can't believe it happened," Ally whispered, her face crumpling and Camila reached out to stroke her cheek.

"Don't cry," She furrowed her eyebrows with concern and Ally shook her head frantically to try and get rid of any tears in her eyes.

"I'm good, I'm okay, I'm excited to see you again," She blew on her face, offering a smile and Camila tried her hardest to return it.

"Ally Ally Ally," Lauren called excitedly, appearing in the kitchen and wrapping the small girl in a hug.

"Lauren Lauren Lauren," Ally stuck her tongue out, her eyes brightening up a bit.

"Hey Camzi, where'd you disappear too?" The green-eyed girl asked softly, her eyes focusing on her girlfriend.

She'd been in the living room with her and Normani but Camila had slipped away when they were mid conversation.

"It was too loud, I didn't like it," Camila frowned and Lauren released Ally, offering her hand out to the younger girl.

She gratefully took it, pulling herself closer so Lauren could wrap an arm around her waist.

"You should have told me," She mumbled and Camila shrugged because before she could say anything else she was interrupted.

"Hi," Normani shrieked as she walked in, Dinah in tow.

Camila involuntarily winced but it went unnoticed by everyone except Lauren, who pulled her closer, spinning her around she so was stood sideways in front of her.

"Do you need some air?" She murmured and Camila nodded.

It wasn't that she didn't like everyone visiting. She enjoyed Normani and Dinah's daily visits and she'd spoke, well listened, to Ally on the phone.

It was just that with everyone at once it was all overwhelming and she could feel a headache threatening to come.

"Guys, I'm gonna take Camz outside for a second, go do whatever shit you want," Lauren told them, guiding Camila outside.

"Fifty bucks that if we check upstairs Lauren has some kinky bondage shit," Dinah said under her breath excitedly and Lauren's face crinkled in horror.

"You fucking disgust me."

Lauren sat Camila on the bottom step of the porch, sitting beside her and turning her head to look at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, tracing a pattern over Camila's hand.

"It's too loud, I can't focus," The younger girl whispered, staring ahead.

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