Thirty Four

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The next day wasn't much better.

Camila had refused to leave the bed all of the day before, only drinking when Lauren forced her and refusing to eat whatsoever. She'd refused to fall asleep and when she couldn't force her eyes open any longer, her sleep was plagued with nightmares.

Lauren, on the other hand, had had zero sleep and was running on meals of coffee and granola bars.

"Camila," Lauren's voice was quiet as she came into the bedroom, "please come downstairs."

Camila shook her head and Lauren's face crumpled in desperation.

"You're scaring me Camz, you haven't ate in twenty four hours. Please, we don't have to touch or talk, just come downstairs," She pleaded, much to her dismay.


Lauren wanted to scream in frustration, or break down in tears, but she bit her tongue.

"Ally told me you've been like this before, it's it the first time. She's coming to visit soon, you don't want her to see her best friend like this again do you?" Lauren questioned.

"I'll get out of bed when she visits then," Camila answered simply.

"But what about me? I don't know what to do, you won't talk to me, you won't even look at me. Is it because you're mad at me because I'm sorry but if you're doing this to punish me it's really fucking working," Lauren's laughed a little at the end out of pure hopelessness and Camila looked at her, "I'm sorry."

"Will you cool my skin down?" She asked warily and Lauren nodded. Camila bit her lip, sitting up and forcing her legs out of bed.

The minute she stood up, her head span and she stumbled forward, blind spots scattering her vision. Lauren caught her by her elbows, unsure on wether it was okay to touch her but Camila pressed herself closer.

"I can't, I can't," She mumbled against Lauren's chest, "I can't do this."

"You can, you're the strongest person I know. I believe in you," Lauren told her, feeling the heat radiating off of Camila's body.

"I can't, I'm not ready," Camila was frantic, running her hands through her hair.

"Hey, look at me," Lauren used on hand to tilt Camila's chin up so their eyes met, "I believe in you. It's been a day Camz, one day. You aren't expected to be ready, you can do this."

"Hold me," The younger girl whispered and Lauren wrapped her arms around her petite frame, holding her tightly.

"It's you and I, remember, together forever," Lauren said into her hair and Camila gave a small nod.

"Forever and always," She confirmed quietly, her hands sliding up Lauren's t-shirt and resting on her back. "I'm not mad at you Laur," She whispered, her head rested on Lauren's chest so she could focus on the steady beat of her heart thumping beneath her oversized t-shirt.

"You should be," Lauren sighed and Camila felt her body stiffen, "you shouldn't even be speaking to me," She added, barely audible.

"Well I am and my legs are getting tired and you said you'd cool my skin down so can we please go downstairs," Camila rambled at the end, her legs growing weaker by the second.

Lauren's eyes grew wide as she remembered and she secured her arm around Camila's waist before guiding her downstairs.

By the time they reached the living room Camila was exhausted.

There weren't any physical injuries from Justin, she was already badly bruised from Malik but they weren't effecting her that much.

It was more mentally.

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