Fifty Two

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Camila's eyes darted around the room anxiously, her bottom lip held between her teeth.

They were sat on a small couch in the control room in Dinah and Normani's house, five pairs of eyes fixated on the four of them. Dinah was curled into Normani's side and the older girl had an arm around her, pulling her impossibly closer. Camila was sat between Normani and Lauren, her fingers drumming against her thigh insistently.

She felt a hand entwining with hers, stopping her from tapping her fingers, and looked up to face Lauren who offered a small, reassuring smile.

A man in black uniform finally spoke up.

"Will you tell us what happened that night?"

Dinah didn't answer at first. Her eyes stayed fixated on the floor and she continued to bounce her leg nervously.

"Please, baby. So we can find the people who did this to you and make sure it never happens again," Normani whispered, using her free hand to brush Dinah's hair back.

"It was nighttime and I-I went for a walk to clear my head. I was outside and someone came behind me and punched me here," Dinah gestured to her temple before falling silent.

"And you say they put you in the trunk?" The man questioned and Dinah nodded.

"Do you know what time this was?" He asked, making notes in a small book along with the other men.

Dinah shook her head.

"Okay. What about the vehicle? Do you know what it was?" He prompted.

"I don't know," Dinah mumbled, closing her eyes. Normani placed a kiss on the top of her head, letting her lips rest there.

"Well do you know what color it was? Did you get any of the license plate?" The man interrogated her and Dinah shook her head.

"I-I don't know," She stammered, her eyes squeezed shut tightly.

The man sighed, evidently frustrated and Lauren glared at him.

"Do you know what the men looked like? How many were there?" He changed topics but Dinah had returned to not talking.

"Didn't she tell you that they also attacked the small one, there," A different man spoke up, nodding in the direction of Camila who felt her mouth go dry.

"This isn't about her," Lauren argued quickly but everyone's eyes had already turned to the brunette.

"Do you remember anything about the men?" The first man directed his question at Camila now.

"This isn't about her. She doesn't need to be questioned," Lauren protested.

"It's just to help the investigation along," The man defended his actions and Lauren wrapped an arm around Camila's waist.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want," She told her quietly and Camila nodded in response.

"What happened when you were jumped?"

Camila recited her story, focusing on her fingers which were fumbling with Lauren's.

"Okay, and can we see the remainders of your injuries?"

"That's not relevant," Lauren snapped, her grip on Camila tightening.

"No," Normani practically snarled, reaching out to place a hand on Camila's knee.

"We need to see what they're capable of. Wouldn't you rather someone with a qualification assessed her situation?" The man turned to Lauren.

"You know what they're capable of," Lauren declared.

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