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Camila woke up hazily a few hours later but before her brain even had time to register what had happened, she felt another prick in her arm and she quickly fell back unconscious.

She squinted her eyes as the light burned them.  It was too bright and she wasn't used to it after being unconscious.

Her eyes adjusted and she stared at the plain white ceiling, confused.

She had no idea where she was.

She tried moving her arms to prop herself up, only to find she couldn't move them. She tried moving her legs instead to find the same.

She was trapped.

Her breaths became frantic as she struggled at whatever was keeping her trapped, only able to move her head.

She heard the door swing open and footsteps edge towards her, which only increased her panic.

An unfamiliar pair of hands grabbed her shoulders and she caught sight of the all too familiar syringe.

"Don't touch me," She mumbled, still groggy.

"It'll just be a second," An unfamiliar voice spoke out but Camila didn't calm down.

"Don't touch me, please. Don't touch me," She gasped, her chest growing tighter as she struggled for air.

"Calm down, you're okay," The masculine voice said but Camila continued to writhe. 

"Hey, hey, I've got it," Keana's familiar voice spoke up as she rushed forward.

"I was instructed to knock her out," The boy frowned before adding in a whisper, "Lauren still isn't stable."

"She'll have to wake up eventually, I've got her, go take a break," Keana told him and he did as she said.

Camila was whimpering as she tried to lift herself up.

"You're in restraints, stop moving and I'll let you out," Keana explained and Camila stopped fighting, letting her body fall limp.

She was untied in seconds and helped sit up.

"Where's Lauren? He touched me, my skin is funny again, I want Lauren," Camila rubbed her eyes, forgetting about what happened in her daze, "oh Lauren."

"She's okay, she's having surgery right now," Keana informed her.

"Is she dying, I want to see her," Camila's bottom lip wobbled and Keana gingerly reached out to pat her knee.

Camila flinched so she didn't go any further.

"You can't see her right now Mila, and probably not for a while after she's out," She sighed gently.

"She promised me," Camila's voice trembled.

"Hey, Mila, c'mon. It's Lauren, she'll be okay, she can fight the odds. And when you can see her you can go talk to her and remind her of your promise, okay?" Keana smiled reassuringly, "now, Mani's outside and she's missed you, even if she won't admit it. So, get changed into the pyjamas I fetched from your house and you can see her."

After Camila had changed she left the room to find Normani stood a few meters away, her arm in a splint but otherwise intact.

"Mani," Camila cried, catching her attention, "you're hurt, what happened? Why are you all alone?"

"Yes I am, the man fractured my wrist when he grabbed it and I'm alone because I'm waiting for you, silly," Normani laughed slightly as she answered her many questions.

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now