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Camila had been in a coma for five days.

Five days of tests and breathing machines and drips.

Five days of Camila laying motionless in a bed that made her look too small.

Lauren stayed with her as much as possible, only leaving when she was forced to go home for a shower and to change clothes.

The girls took turns in visiting - although Normani and Dinah never really left.

Lauren didn't want to leave her. She was scared that she would wake up or something bad would happen whilst she was gone and she wouldn't be there. She had to be there when Camila woke up, she promised she wasn't leaving her again. She also didn't want to leave because being alone meant quiet which meant she could think and she didn't want to do that.

She didn't want to think about how her father was dead; how she had yet to see her siblings; how Camila's face was on every TV channel she put on.

So she didn't watch TV. She didn't read the news articles. She focused fully on Camila. She sat by her bed every day, holding her hand or combing her hair with her fingers, never once leaving her side. She consumed herself with her girlfriend.

Her girlfriend who was laid on a bed surrounded by scary machines that made her look even more tiny and vulnerable that usual. It was helping her breathe. She couldn't even breathe on her own.

The doctor said it was because she'd had lots of head injuries. She had stitches on the side of her head it was cut open, along with some on her wrist.

That wasn't even the full extent of her injuries.

She had two fractured ribs, along with bruises on her others. They weren't as bad as the bruises on her stomach. Her entire skin was patterned with a multitude of blues and purples. She had laceration wounds along her legs and arms which the doctor had guessed were caused by whips. She also had smaller cuts along the right side of her body where they'd thrown a glass bottle thrown at her.

The thought of them doing that to Camila made her feel sick to her stomach.

The doctors had said that talking to her may help her and that she could still hear them but Lauren hadn't tried it yet. Camila probably wouldn't want to hear her voice anyway after what she'd caused.

"I've got you some coffee."

Normani's voice broke Lauren from her thoughts and she took the cup that was being offered out to her.

"It's from the cafeteria so it should be better than that shit from the vending machines," Normani told her and Lauren nodded as she took a sip. "Ally's coming later, is that okay?"

Ally was mad at Lauren. She said that it was her fault that Camila got hurt, that it was always her fault. She also shouted some stuff about her father but got dragged away before she could finish. She was right about both things, in Lauren's opinion.

The Latina nodded and Normani perched on the arm of the chair, leaning against her friend.

"You doing okay?" Normani asked, combing her fingers through Lauren's hair.

"I'm fine," Lauren stated, looking up at her.

"Still don't wanna talk?" Normani questioned and Lauren shook her head. "You're so stubborn Lo."

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