Chapter 2

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Once at Poison Ivy's hideout, which was at an abandoned junk yard overgrown with pretty smelling flowers and greenery. Once in her "house" she put the boxes on a counter and brought a chair over with medical supplies. I saw her pick up a needle and put a green serum into the needle. "Ay Diamonds, come here." She said and patted a chair that she brought over. "What for?" I asked cautiously and my heart started beating really fast with anxiety st the thought of needles.

"We ran through that green gas. That was a poisonous gas that can kill you. I concocted a serum that can prevent the effects of the gas and this is it." She said and held up a small bottle filled with a green liquid. "So give me your arm." She said and held out her hand. I reluctantly rolled up my sleeve and sat down in the chair. She got an alcohol swab and cleaned where she would inject me with the needle. Once done, she told me to look away and so I did but it didn't do jack shit because I still felt the pinch of the needle.

I winced and rubbed my arm when she was done. "To think I'd be used to this since Mr. J abuses me all the time." I said and rubbed my arm. "The Joker? Why do you hang out with that nimrod anyway?" She asked with a grimace of distaste. "We've kinda been a thing for awhile." I admitted. "Well lucky you. Not seriously, he's a jack ass. You shouldn't have even gotten involved with him. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be with him right now?" She asked and put the medical stuff away.

"Yeah but we got in a fight. We were robbing a bank when Batsie showed up and jacked our plan. I almost got us caught but I lost over $2.5 million dollars in the process. He got mad at me and shook me around until I left and showed him I'll be a better crook than he'll ever be." I explained and she frowned with distaste. "I never found The Joker as a good man nor lover. In fact, no guys are good lovers. Only women are." Poison Ivy said and got up to organize a table.

I snapped my head up when I heard her say that she only goes for women and I looked over to where she was standing and I looked at her. The first thing I saw was her big, round, firm looking ass that I just want to- 'Shut the fuck up, Harley! Stop being a creep!' I thought to myself and quickly averted my eyes when I saw her catch a quick glance at me. She smirked and turned around and I blushed wildly. "I think we need some tunes." She smirked and walked over to her phone and speaker.

She plugged her phone into the speaker and played Only by Nicki Minaj. 'I know what she's going to do... I'm fucked.' I thought to myself. The music started to play and she stood there, smirking. After a few verses she started dancing... Explicitly.

Hut hut one hut hut two big titties big butt too

Nicki sang and Poison Ivy showed off her big ass. I blushed and looked away again. She came over to me and put her hands on my knees and looked at me. I looked into her sparkling green eyes and saw playfulness in them. 'Good, at least I know she's only joking.' I thought to myself. The blushing went away and was replaced by a wide smile. The song ended and a slow song came on.

"Come dance with me." She said softly and got up, holding her hand out for me to take it. I lifted my hand up and lingered for a moment, wondering if I should. I took her hand with a smile and she brought me closer. She put her hands around my waist while I put mine around her neck. We danced to the neat of the music and I rested my head on her shoulder. She smelt like roses and I closed my eyes with a smile, enjoying this moment.


I woke up to the sun shining on my face and birds chirping. I sat up and looked around. 'Doesn't look like my room. Where am I?"' I thought to myself. After a moment of internal panicking, I realized that I stayed with Poison Ivy last night. I sharp headache came on and I realized that we had drank and that I has gotten drunk. 'Damn, that explains this migrain. Hashtag hangover.' I thought to myself and got out of bed. I stretched and smelt pancakes and bacon.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and smiled. She handed me a plate with two pancakes on it and bacon. I dug in hungrily and after a few minutes, I was done and got up to get more. "Ya know, you're funny when you're drunk." Poison Ivy said and looked at me with a smile as I got more breakfast. (She's an amazing cook.)

"Haha. I wouldn't know, I forget everything." I said with a smile and piled on the bacon and pancakes. "Yeah. Hungry aren't you?" She said with a smile and sat down to eat. "Well obviously. One, your cooking is great and two, I haven't eaten since before the heist. Of course I'm gonna be hungry." I said and sat down in front of her. We ate in silence and once I was done, I put my plate in the sink.

"I'm gonna go head back to Mr. J, I'll see you whenever." I said. "You don't have to. You can stay here." Poison Ivy said. "I know but he'll go on a rampage and destroy the whole city." I said with a small laugh and walked upstairs to get my things. When I came back downstairs Ivy was washing up our dishes. "I'll see you soon probably." I said and walked to the door but she stopped me. "Here's my number." Is all she said and then went back to doing what I was doing. I walked out the door and walked to The Joker's hideout.

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