Chapter 3

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~Poison Ivy's Pov~

I watched Harley leave and I frowned. Something draws me to her and I couldn't place it. She shouldn't be with that jackass, The Joker. He's an abuser and she's his victim. My next heist's going to be a kidnapping; Of Harley Quinn to save her. Yeah right, who am I kidding? 1. I would never kidnap her and 2. She wouldn't want to be kidnapped because she loves him and not me!

Wait... Did I just say what I think I just said? That she loves him and not me? Am I... Am I falling for Harley Quinn? Her long, blonde, silky soft, luxurious hair. Her blue eyes that sparkle like diamonds themselves. Her petite frame that I can hold all the time... Gosh, I am falling for her. This isn't good.

~Harley's Pov~

I walked in to Mr. J's hideout and I dropped my stuff on the ground. "Puddin, I'm back! I'm sorry for leaving you last night." I called out and looked around. "Puddin?" I called out again and walked up the stairs. I heard rushing around in The Joker's room and I walked in, seeing my "Puddin" hide Catwoman in the closet! "Joker! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I called out. He was in his PJ pants and Catwoman was in a bra and underwear. "Get the fuck out, bitch!" I yelled angrily and grabbed her arm, dragging her out of his bedroom.

I felt her diamond claws scratch my arm and it drew blood. "You nasty bitch!" I called out and punched her and kneed her where the sun don't shine and she dropped like the motherfucker she is. I kicked her in the gut and beat her up. "Harley, get off her!" Joker said and threw me back onto my ass and slapped me in the face. He then bent down and helped Catwoman up. "Get that bitch out of here!" She hissed and lunged at me but Joker held her back.

"You don't have to worry about me because I'm leaving!" I yelled and ran down the stairs. I heard the Joker almost fall down the stairs trying to get to me and he grabbed my shoulder but I shrugged him off. "How could you?" I asked softly, tears threatening to fall. "Puddin, puddin." He said in his husky yet silky voice and cornered me against a wall. I started having a mini panic attack inside, thinking of all the things he could to me right now.

"You don't want to leave now do you?" He asked in that voice that always made me stay. My heart said yes but my brain screamed no. "No. I don't want to stay." I said and stood up tall and straight, showing no fear even though inside I was crumbling. "You dare defy me!?" He said, louder than before, and pinned me against the wall, holding onto my shoulders roughly. "Yes, I do." I said with a glare. "Well you're a piece of shit anyway!" He said and punched me.

He pushed me onto the ground and got on top of me, punching and kicking. I scrambled onto my side and made my way to my bag. I reached in and grabbed my pepper spray. He came over to me and kicked me again. "Get up dumb bitch." He spat and kicked me again. I wheezed in pain and tried getting up but couldn't. "I said to get up!" He said, earning a kick from him. I gasped from the force and then grabbed onto the coffee table and pulled myself up.

"I am up." I said and spat blood at him, spraying him with the pepper spray at the same time. He screamed in pain and fell to his knees while rubbing his eyes and crying out in pain. I kicked him onto his side and then I grabbed my bag. I looked at the staircase and saw that Catwoman was no longer there. 'She must've left during the fight.' I thought to myself and ran off back to Poison Ivy's place.

Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual, it's basically only a "filler" chapter of sorts. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed these few chapters so far. Please vote, comment, and read! Btw, if there's anything I should change, please feel free to comment what I should do to make this story better and Happy Thanksgiving. (Constructive criticism)

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