Chapter 8

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~Harley's Pov~

*Warning* This includes lesbian sex. I censored it so wattpad wouldn't make this story private. Please read at your own risk**

I woke up and got out of bed groggily. I put on actual pj pants before going upstairs because I figured it would be cold. I got upstairs and to my surprise, it was warm. But it was a little too hot for my liking. I took off the pj pants and tossed them into my room. Ivy wasn't up yet so I decided to go take a shower until she was up. I went into my room and got out some clothes that I'd wear when I get out.

I walked up the stairs to the shower and adjusted the temperature. After a few minutes of getting ready, I got in and enjoyed the warmth it brought on cold autumn days like today. I heard the door open and close but thought it was just the wind. I heard the sink running and I opened the curtain to peek put. Here stood Ivy brushing her damn teeth!

"You do realize I'm in here right?" I said with a frown. "Yup." She said through the tooth brush and tooth paste. I groaned and rolled my eyes, pulling back the shower curtain to it's original state. "And I needed to brush my teeth got a problem with that?" She asked with a playful smile as she pulled the shower curtain back. "Woah, privacy!" I exclaimed and covered myself with the curtain.

"Relax. You're too hot to not be seen." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Can I just finish my shower?" I asked, starting to get annoyed. "And you could've used the downstairs bathroom!" I reminded her. "I could've, but you're not in there." She said with a wink. "So!? Leave me be." I said softly and put the curtain back but not one minute later and she pushes it back again. "Ugh, now what!?" I exclaimed and threw my hands up in the air in annoyance.

"Wow you're hot." Ivy blurted out and checked me out. I blushed and pulled the shower curtain back. I held both ends of it so she couldn't pull it back again. I hear the door open and then close again and I sigh in relief. I let go of the ends and continue with my shower. The shower curtain got pulled back again and I jumped, nearly slipping and falling.

I saw Poison Ivy standing there ass naked in front of me. I stabled myself and looked at her and then averted my eyes as I blushed. "You don't have to do that now." She said and walked closer to me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. It was a delicate and gentle kiss and after a few seconds her kisses started getting rougher and more hungrier. I moaned into the kiss and she took this as an advantage and rammed her tongue into my mouth and explored every part of it.

I moaned again and I couldn't deny the fire burning in between my legs. She put her thigh in between my legs and the pressure made me moan again. She grabbed my boobs and kneaded them. I moaned again but a little bit louder than before. With her hands behind me, she turned off the shower and lifted me up by the thighs and carried me to her room, not once breaking the kiss.

She laid me down roughly and then got on top of me. She went down to my neck and found my sweet spot. She sucked on that spot, making sure to leave her mark. I was moaning the entire time and she was between my legs the entire time. Ivy then trailed kisses down my body and I arched my back, waiting for her to get to the destination I've been waiting for.

She was so close and I moaned but then she got up and moved onto her side. I whimpered at the sudden loss of warmth and kisses. "Ah ah ah, you'll get something else My Diamond Queen." Ivy said and I moaned quietly. She trailed her hand from my abdomen to my "destination" and I moaned loudly. She lightly brushed over it and I squirmed beside her.

"Hehe someone's horny, aren't they?" Ivy whispered seductively and bit my earlobe. I nodded my head yes quickly and eagerly waited. "Oh, so you want me to do this then, I suppose?" She said seductively and dipped her finger into me and I moaned loudly and arched my back. She then quickly took her finger out and brushed over it.

"Pl-please Ivy." I said between moans and she rubbed over my slit. "You're so wet. It's so easy for me to just." Ivy started and then dipped her finger in again and fingered me. "Go in and out." She finished her sentence and bit my earlobe again and I moaned as she finger fucked me. After over four months of touching myself, this felt like heaven.

After a couple minutes of me being a moaning mess, she dipped in two fingers and I arched my back in pleasure and screamed. "I-Ivy." I cried out with pleasure and she laughed quietly to herself. "Yes, scream my name baby. Let the whole world know I'm fucking you." She whispered and bit my earlobe once again. She increased her speed and curled her fingers in a 'come hither' motion, hitting my g-spot repeatedly.

With every hit, I cried out in pleasure and arched my back. I felt a knot in my stomach and a fire down below and I cried out once again. "Ivy, Ivy I-I'm c-c*mming!" I screamed and my juices flowed out of me and onto Ivy's hand. She then slowed down and removed her fingers from my dripping slit. Her whole hand was covered in my c*m and she got up to wash her hands. "You're so hot." She said before leaving.

After a couple minutes she came back and then got between my legs again. She kissed down my abdomen and then to my cl!t. I moaned and bucked my hips into her face and tangled my fingers in her hair. She dipped her tongue into my slit and worked like magic. "Oh I-Ivy! Keep going, don't stop!" I cried out and bucked my hips again.

She removed her tongue and replaced it with her finger. She sucked on my cl!t while fingering me, hitting my g-spot again. I bucked my hips again and moaned louder than I have this entire time. After a couple pleasurable minutes, I felt that familiar knot in my stomach. 'Twice in one day!? This woman's a sex goddess!' I thought to myself.

After a couple more seconds, the second load of my c*m flowed out and Ivy licked me clean. Some c*m got in her hand but she didn't mind. She quick kissed my lips and I could taste myself on her, and I taste pretty good if I do say so myself. She then rested her head on my stomach. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." She said breathlessly although we're both pretty much out of breathe.

"I can imagine so. That was great. The Joker never made me c*m twice, most of the time not even once! But you, you're a sex goddess." I said and fell back onto the pillow and closed my eyes. I felt her get up and leave and I shivered at the cold draft coming from the window. Ivy went into to the bathroom to clean herself up and to my surprise and luck, she brought my clothes with her.

I got up and changed and felt nice and warm in my pjs that I picked out. A dark gray crop top with red underwear. I then walked downstairs and smelt food cooking. I looked outside and realized it was night time. 'We were fucking all day! I didn't even get to please her! Oh well, I'll do it tonight.' I thought to myself and sat at the kitchen island as Ivy served up some grilled cheese and tomato soup.

After dinner, Ivy said that I can sleep with her so went up to her room. I pushed her on the bed and straddled her. "You didn't let me please you, so that's what I'm doing now." I whispered seductively and bit her earlobe and I heard a quiet moan escape her lips. "This is gonna be fun." I said and removed my crop top.


We were back in bed and clothed and I was about ready to pass out. "Today was amazing." I said through my sleepiness. "Yes it was. But we must rest now. Goodnight My Diamond Queen." Poison Ivy said softly while stroking my hair and she kissed me on the forehead. With that, I fell into a deep sleep, hoping good dreams were to come.

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