Chapter 4

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~Poison Ivy's Pov~

I heard a knock at my "door" and rushed to get it. I opened the door and saw a sobbing Harley Quinn. My mouth hung open in confusion and I quickly brought her inside. I put her on the couch and took off her bag. "What happened?" I asked breathlessly and in an inside panic as to why she looked beaten up. 'That ghastly Joker better not have gotten to her.' I growled to myself in anger at the thought.

"I-I walked back to Mr. J's place and-and I saw C-Catwoman in bed with him. I-I fought with her and Joker kicked me off of her and tended to her instead of me. He went and beat me up like this but I managed to get my pepper spray out and pepper spray him. That's only the short version." Harley said with a sob. I wrapped her in my arms and comforted her and tried to soothe her. 'How could he do this!? Not even three hours being in his place and he already beats on her like she's a piece of shit. But that's what they all say; how your man treats you is how he thinks of you. She needs to leave him and I'm here to help.' I thought to myself as I hugged her.

I pulled away and wiped her tears away and she winced. "Let's get you cleaned up." I said and took her hand in mine and lead her to the bathroom where my medical supplies was. I had her sit on the toilet while I searched my first aid kit. I got a wash cloth and damped it with water to get the dried blood off her face and clean her wounds. She winced and pulled away. "It's going to hurt a lot more if you keep doing that." I said sternly yet calmly and continued to clean the wounds as gently as I possibly could.

Once I was done with that I poured peroxide on toilet paper. "This is going to sting." I said and held out my hand for her to take. I dabbed the peroxide filled wad of toilet paper and she gripped my hand surprisingly tight for a petite woman. 'She should've used this strength on the Joker when she had the chance.' I thought to myself.

The liquid seeped into her wounds and bubbled and fizzed and created a white fizzy substance that cleans the wound. After a couple minutes she stopped squeezing my hand and sat there. "See? Only a couple seconds and it's ok." I said with a smile to try to lighten the mood. She smiled and laughed while shaking her head. "Were you a doctor or something?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"Or something. I was in college majoring in healthcare and I would've became a professional doctor if it wasn't for my antics." I admitted. "Antics?" "Like me going to jail for petty things such as theft and then it just increased from that. I had a police record so I couldn't finish my college semester and I got kicked out. My family disowned me after that and the fact that I'm gay didn't help the situation either. After years of getting into trouble with the law and trying found a place to stay, I found this place and stayed here ever since." I said and went into my bag to search for any other possible things I could use.

"I never told anyone my story before. You should feel special." I said with a small smile and resumed looking. I took the cloth again and wiped away the peroxide and it was cleaned. I got a better look at one of the wounds and saw it was a pretty deep cut on her left cheek. "This one's pretty bad. You're going to need stitches." I said with a frown. "No. No way. I'm not getting caught and taken to jail." Harley said and crossed her arms, her leg over her one knee and lifted her head defiantly in the air. "Well you're gonna." I said and put both her feet on the ground and uncrossed her arms and made her look at me.

"I'm going to give you stitches. I have all the supplies I need, Harley. I'll give you fireball to help." I said and looked into her eyes. She's scared and about to cry, I can see it. "It'll be ok. I know it's going to hurt but it'll be ok." I said and hugged her. I walked downstairs to get the fireball and then walked back upstairs. Luckily there was over half a bottle. I handed her the whiskey and got out the needle and thread. She let out a cry of fright when she saw it and started hyperventilating.

"Remember what I said Harley. It'll be ok." I reminded her and she nodded, unable to speak and she was still hyperventilating and she started to shake. "No. No no no. Please don't. There's no painkillers and ahh." She said in a furry and rocked back and forth. "Harley, Harley. It's ok. Do you trust me?" I asked and she nodded. "Then trust me that it will be ok." I said calmly and soothingly. She started to calm down and I grabbed the needle again.

She started again and I reminded her about the trust and she calmed down again. "Now, I'm going to start. I suggest you take a swig of that whiskey." I said and indicated to the glass bottle. She nodded and took a swig and spit it out. "Oh god. That shit's nasty. You got some vodka?" She asked. "It won't be good to mix drinks, it'll fuck you up real bad." I said. "I don't care." She said. I sighed and walked back downstairs to get grey goose and everclear vodka. "Here." I said and she took swigs from both bottles.

"I'm going to start." I said and she nodded, already buzzed. I started stitching and she screamed in pain then laughed. She grabbed my wrist and I shrugged her hand off. She was speaking gibberish and I couldn't understand her. She took a chug from the everclear and then the grey goose at the same time. 'Oh gosh, she's gonna be so buzzed.' I thought to myself as I stitched her wound.

I tugged at the string to tighten it and then I did it again and I got scissors and cut the string. "I'm done." I said and put the needle in peroxide to clean it. "Let's get you to sleep." I said and pulled her up off the toilet and helped her down the stairs and to the couch. "Here, go to sleep. You're safe here." I said softly and she was out like a light when her head hit the couch. I smiled and kissed her forehead and went to make some dinner.

Sorry this ended not in a good way. You'll get another chapter soon till then, have a great day and a wonderful evening

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