Chapter 17

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~Pamela's Pov~

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bring these two lovely women in Holy matrimony." The priest said as he read from his bible. Finally, our wedding day! We've worked for weeks to make this day finally happen and now that its here, I'm so ecstatic its not even funny. Along with nervousness but mostly happiness. Harley wanted the priest to say "Queerly beloved, we are gathered here togay." Instead of the original words. I obviously declined that suggestion but it was funny.

"Please, the rings." The priest said after he finished speaking the "sacred" words to a wedding. My best friend, Carla, our ring bearer, brought out a small lilac pillow with the rings on them. I took my ring, a nice sparkly one with many diamonds encrusted into the whole ring. Harley thought it was a bit over the top but she soon accepted it. I held her hand out and said some things I thought she deserved to hear.

"Harleen, you've changed my life the night we met. If I hadn't triggered those alarms we would've never met and now that I think about it, I'm glad I did." I said and I smiled at her while blushing and I feel tears start to form in my eyes. "I love everything about you; your quirkiness, your lovable personality towards animals. I love that you try to be positive in the worst of times. You never seize to surprise me and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I love you so much, Harley. More than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life. And to be fair, Harleen Isely sounds hot." I said with a laugh and a wink as I slid the diamond wedding band onto her ring finger and then the diamond encrusted wedding ring. She smiled widely and held out her hand happily.

Carla smiled at us and then stood closer to Harley since it was her turn to give me her ring. "Pamela Isely." She said with a cute, nervous laugh and briefly looked at the ground then looked back up at me with her clear blue eyes. "Where do I even begin to describe what you do to me? You make me feel alive. You saved me from everything that I couldn't get myself out of. I love you so much, and I'll be the one to love you the most in your life. You have the power to make me so nervous that I can't even walk normally. You make me feel so alive with everything you do. I couldn't be here without you. I love you." Harley said and a single tear fell from her misty eyes. Good thing she was wearing waterproof mascara.

She slid both the wedding band and ring on my finger and held my hands in hers. "I now pronounce you married, you may now kiss your bride." The priest said with a proud smile and I leaned in and kissed her passionately. It could just be the wedding but this kiss seems more intimate and passionate; like fireworks exploding in the sky. We separated after a few seconds, knowing there was a crowd and everyone clapped and applauded. Music started playing and we ran down the isle together, hand in hand, with the people throwing rice and petals with the color of the rainbow.

We circled back to an events building with tiled floors and a nice interior. There's a large table with a white cloth on it in the middle with other circular tables scattered around the room, all  with pristine dishware and silverware. Harley and I sat in the middle with her mother, father, and grandparents on her side and my closest friends on my side; Jake, Carla, Brenda, Juno, and Alex since my family "regrettably" couldn't make it. Once everyone got settled, we stood up hand in hand and made an announcement.

"Thank you all for your support in this and all your help and most of all, thank you for being there and sticking with us. We love you all. Now enjoy the party!" Harley exclaimed enthusiastically and happily with a wide smile. They clapped and smiled and waiters brought out food and gave it to the guests. They brought us our food and I ate carefully, so not to ruin my beautiful white gown. Harley however, was eating quickly but was very careful. She looked wonderfully beautiful in her strapless lacy gown. I couldn't help but gaze at her fondly and I smiled to myself, knowing that she's now my wife.

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