Chapter 13

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~Harley's Pov~

I was overreacting. I was overreacting about the whole thing. Of course Ivy loves me, why wouldn't she? But at least I'm safe and still with Ivy. Yesterday we went shopping so we were all stocked up on food. I was in the living room watching tv when my baby sat on the couch with me, just after taking a shower. "Hey babe, I was thinking. Maybe we should go back to our original identities? Quit the crime business and lead a normal life?" I suggested as I looked at her.

She pondered the thought, pursing her lips and looking up at the ceiling. "Yeah why not? We have no reason to do harm or crime anymore. The Joker is dead and we are financially stable since we robbed that bank all that time ago." She said and smiled. I smiled back, glad to be Harleen Quinzel again. "Oh thank goodness. By the way, my name's Harleen Quinzel." I said with a laugh and held out my hand for her to shake. "Pamela Isely." She said and took my hand and shook it. That's funny how we never introduced our real names until now.

I referred back to the financially stable and I suddenly realized how bad I wanted a family. I wanted to get married and have kids of my own. It all came crashing down all at once. Maybe I'll ask Pam to marry me one day. It'll be a nice big wed- "I'm still going to call you Harley though as a nickname." Pam said, breaking into my thoughts. "Oh ok. That's fine. And I'll call you Pam." I said with a smile and she nodded. She then got up and put something in the microwave. "What are you making?" I called and she answered, making soup. I nodded and said ok and turned my attention to the tv once again, forgetting all about the marriage and family thoughts.

I'm gonna end this chapter on a short note but that's only because I'm thinking on having the next chapter be a very eventful one, you could say..

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