Chapter 16

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~Harley's Pov~
~Time skip of another week~

Ugh, planning a wedding is so much work. I had to stop by a bakery for the cake that Pam and I had agreed on buying. And I had to get invitations and crap. It's just so much work I can't even name it all.

But at least I'm trying to make this wedding work and to be successful. I love Pam so much that everything, in my eyes, has to be perfect. Pam says that not everything has to go as planned or be perfect just so long as she's with me. I know that's true but I still do what I do. Now I'm on the phone with the wedding photographer.

"What do you mean you can't make it to the wedding!? Linda, that's in a week! What, you already planned another wedding!? Ugh, this is ridiculous and you're hopeless. Goodbye Linda, I've had enough of your incompetence and procrastination! I'm finding someone else who will take photos!" I yelled into the phone angrily and hung up, slamming it on the table face down and burying my face in my hands in annoyance.

"Babe what's wrong?" Pam asked as she rounded the corner and entered the kitchen/dining room since our home is an open floor plan. "Linda canceled on us again." I explained with an annoyed sigh. "Really, again?" She asked calmly and sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around me. I nodded and leaned into her embrace.

"We'll find someone else, don't worry. Not everything has to be perfect ok?" She said and make me look at her. I sighed and nodded. Good. You deserve a break, you've been working really hard Harleen. Between work and this wedding planning, you're worked to the bone. You deserve a break, how about I treat you with a nice day out? Get your hair done, new wardrobe maybe? Not that I don't love yours already!" She said quickly and giggled. "But maybe after all that, I take you out to dinner?" She finished with a hopeful smile.

I pondered the thought and nodded. "Alright, sounds good." I said with a smile and got out of the chair and hugged her, then walked to our room and put on some regular clothes since I was wearing pjs. I came back downstairs and Pam grabbed the car keys and walked out the door with me behind her.

When we got in the car, I grabbed my phone and and started playing music with the speaker that we had in the car and Nicki Minaj's "Superbass" started playing through the blutetooth speaker. I rapped along with Nicki and dancing- or as much as I could, anyway- and Pam giggled. "What?" I asked with a smirk. "You. You're adorable." She said with a wide smile and I blushed a little. "I love you." I said and packed her on the cheek. We laughed and talked and listened to music the whole way to the mall.


Pam parked in a parking spot and told me to call her when I was done. I nodded and kissed her then stepped out of the car and made my way to the mall.

~Pam's Pov~

Harley has been working nonstop- with work and the wedding- so I decided to give her a day off. I took her to the mall to let her have her own day to herself. When I got back to the house, I decided on where I was going to take her out to eat. I settled on a place in town with good food and fast service. Wendy's. Nah I'm kidding. As much as Harley would want Wendy's I'm not taking her there for dinner tonight.

I was actually thinking on taking her to Citti's. It's a nice restaurant with an intimate setting and a quiet place. Perfect for a date. I started getting ready though, so I went upstairs and looked through my closet.

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