Chapter 12

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~Poison Ivy's Pov~

"Well well well. What do we have here?" The Joker said, looking pissed off as fuck as he took slow but menacing steps forward. But really, I can't blame him; I did just take his "girlfriend." "My lady and her lady taking off together without saying goodbye? Wow, that hurts." He said sarcastically and put his hand over his heart, if he even has one. I flicked my eyes around the lobby and remembered that I had a loaded gun and my car parked right outside.

I smirked and pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. "Well how's this for goodbye?" I said and pulled the trigger and he stumbled backwards into the henchmen, gripping his chest, which is where I shot him, and then fell to the ground in a heaping, bloody mess. The henchmen dipped their heads at us, willing us to leave. One of them said thank you in a grateful voice and I dipped my head back and grabbed Harley's hand and ran to the door. With one last look at the scene, I ran out into the parking lot and got into the car.

Once we were all buckled up and ready to go, we heard police sirens so we hightailed it out of there. We were in the heart of town when we saw four cop cars and a helicopter go in the direction we just came. 'Wow. Good thing we got out of there.' I thought. I relaxed myself, once my mind processed everything. Harley's safe, Joker's dead, and we were on our way back home. I loosened my grip on the steering wheel and let up on the gas pedal.

It was a silent ride home, and awkward on top of it. We were finally at my place and when we walked in, Harley went right upstairs to take a shower. 'We'll talk when she gets out.' I thought. In the meantime, I cut up an apple and ate it in bite sized pieces as I watched a movie. I figured she would take awhile. After the movie, I found myself completely exhausted. 'Well I did go on a wild goose chase around town all day and night.' I thought with a scoff as I looked at the time. 3 am. I laid my head on the end of the couch and I was out like a light.

~Harley's Pov~

I quickly ran up the steps to the shower so I wouldn't cry in front of Ivy. That'll only make things worse. I grabbed clothes and a towel and entered the bathroom, already sobbing. I turned on the water and adjusted the temperature and got in. The warm, calming and gentle jets of the shower head relaxed my body and tensed muscles but I still cried. I pressed my back against the wall and slid down, my knees tucked in my chest. 'How could I have been so stupid? He lied and cheated, played and beat me. Why couldn't I have seen the signs that Ivy loved me for me. Myself, she loved me for me. And now I'm even lucky I'm alive and it's all because of my stupidity.' I thought and sighed. After about 10 minutes, I started feeling better and I stood up and got my shower with minimal crying.

I got out of the shower and dried off then changed into PJs. I walked downstairs, seeing Ivy fast asleep on the couch. My heart broke at the sight and then I grabbed a blanket and covered her up, kissing her forehead. I then turned off the lights and tv and walked into my room. I settled into the bed and fell asleep quickly.

~Ivy's Pov~

I woke up to the sun pouring in through the window by the couch. I sat up, realizing I had a blanket on me. 'Harley must've saw me sleeping.' I thought to myself as I pulled myself up off the couch. I saw my phone on the end of the couch and checked the time. 8:45 am. I yawned and set my phone down on the table and walked to the fridge. I scanned the fridge and I groaned, finding nothing that I want. 'That reminds me, I need to go shopping.' I thought and walked to the pantry. I settled for cheez-its and sat on the couch, waiting for Harley to get up so I could talk to her.

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