Author's Note

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Hey loves. I know a lot of you have read this fan fiction and it's honestly quite astounding. All my other works never got this much attention and I am at a loss for words for how amazing and supporting you all have been on this "book."

This certainly is not the best writing I have done. I was young when I started writing it, only 15 and by the time it was finished I was 16. The first chapter was published on November 25, 2016 and the last chapter was published on March 22, 2017.

It's crazy to think about. I never thought it would get so much attention. But anyway, it's time I get to the point of this announcement:

I want to remake this. I want to revise it and make it better. You all deserve much better than you have read. It's so cringey and the plot line goes too fast in my opinion. What do you guys think, would you want me to do a revised version of Poison Got the Diamond? It would be basically the same but with better writing. Let me know if you would like that. I also wrote this on my phone so the spacing might be a bit off.

Have a nice day, I love you <3


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