Chapter 7

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Time skip of three months

~Poison Ivy's Pov~

Today is the day. The day that I'll tell Harley Quinn that I like her. Actually, that I've liked her since the first night we met. I got out of bed and checked the time. 8:37 am. I'm so nervous. I walk down the steps and smell food. I walk in the kitchen and see Harley making breakfast.

"You're making breakfast? You actually got up early to make breakfast?" I said with a laugh and sat at the bar stool on the kitchen island. "Yes, because today is a very special day." Harley said giddily and looked at me, flipping the pancakes. I looked at her quizzically and in confusion. She looked at me with a look of disbelief. "Really? You honestly don't know what day it is?" She asked me and put her hand on her hip with the spatula in her other hand.

I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. She groaned and removed her hand from her hip. "Three months ago we first met!" She said and threw her hands up in the air and the put the pancakes on a plate and gave them to me. "Oh ok. Well then I guess you could say happy three month anniversary." I said with a wink as I ate and she blushed and turned around back to the pan.


We ate together and once we were done, she washed our plates and then walked up to me. She cornered me against the wall and smirked I'm a seductive manner. "We have a very big day today." She whispered and wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close. Damn, she's starting to turn me on. "So get ready!" She said in a cheery tone and skipped down to her room singing a tune of "la la la" on her way down.

I smiled and shook my head while biting my lip. I laughed quietly and walked up to my room. I put on a dark pair is skinny jeans, a black sweatshirt since it was autumn and converse. I walked downstairs and waited for Harley. "What are you doing, Ivy?" She exclaimed and leaned against the wall. I noticed she was wearing her signature clown outfit. Before I could speak, she spoke first. "Go get changed, we're doing something Gotham won't forget!" She said and threw her hands in the air.

"Oh I understand." I said with a smile and walked up to my bedroom again to get changed into my signature outfit. Once back downstairs, we left in my pink car with Harley driving. She's a maniac when it comes to driving, holy shit! I looked over and saw Harley with a devilish look on her face and her face as we sped down the road to the bank.

Once there, she hopped out and opened the door for me. "You're welcome, sugar." She said and winked at me and made me blush. We walked into the bank and she shot her gun. "Alright everyone, down on the ground where I can see you!" Harley said and I never saw have so much confidence and authority. The staff rushed on the ground and laid on their stomachs.

"Not you, I want you to lead me to the safe." Harley said and walked up to the woman, grabbing her arm roughly and walking with her. "You know what to do, Ivy!" She called out before leaving and I nodded. "Alright. While she's doing that I'll sit right here and watch you people." I said and hopped onto the counter and sat down.

After a couple minutes I heard whispering. I saw a woman look up from her desk and then look back down. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I yelled as I got off the counter and walked to her. I looked over the counter and she had a phone. "Give me that, bitch!" I yelled and grabbed the phone from her hand and threw it on the ground, breaking it in the process.

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