Chapter 14

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~Time skip of 7 months. They have been dating for 10 months~

~Harley's Pov~

Those thoughts about marriage and a family kept coming back to me. All the time, as of that's what my mind was set to think about. Maybe I should ask Pam to marry me? But what if she says no? "No Harley, she'll say yes." I assured myself. Currently, Pam was at work. Since our conformance into society, we've gotten jobs. Pam works in a small cubicle at the business firm and is pretty close to upgrading to manager and an actual office. I however, work at Gilman's in the center of the city. It's just a supermarket but I get a decent pay, $15/hr and a discount on the food I buy.

So I guess you could say we're doing ok. But these thoughts. Maybe I should plan to propose. We have been dating for almost a year, what did I expect to happen? If I'm being completely honest, all this talk about marriage actually gets my blood pumping in excitement. At times, I think about how I can't wait to get married to Pam. Maybe I should take her out on the lake behind out house at sunset and propose then? That would be nice. Or I could have a special day ending in a picnic at our secret spot like when I first asked her out? Or maybe a flash mob? Gosh, I can't choose! But actually, I'm leaning more towards the boat one. Even though I'm deathly afraid of going on another boat, I'll do it for Pam. All I have to do is find a ring and a good day and poof, we're engaged. Now, where are my shoes?


At the mall, I looked for a jewelry store. I soon found one and walked up to the counter, waiting for an employee. As I waited, I admired the dazzling everyday rings, necklaces, charms, bracelets, earrings, etc. "Hi, how may I help you?" A woman asked and I looked up and smiled. "Hi. I'm looking for engagement rings." I said and she smiled and waved me over into the store. I walked in and she led me to a glass container filled with gorgeous rings. "Here you go... Planning on proposing?" She asked and I nodded with a smile as I gazed down. I saw one that sparkled the most put of them all, as of it was calling me to take it. "Whose the lucky gal?" She asked and I looked up with a smile. "Pamela Isely." I said and she gasped, her mouth agape.

"You're Harley Quinn!" She said and I saw something flicker in her eyes and then it was gone in an instant. It looked like fear. I looked down and frowned. "I prefer to be called Harleen Quinzel from now on please." I said and she calmed down, seeing as I'm no threat. I breathed a silent breath of relief and nodded, accepting my wishes. "Well Harleen, have you chosen one yet?" She asked and I nodded with a smile. She smiled and I pointed to the really dazzling one. She took it pout and placed it on the glass counter. "Ah, one of our finest pieces. Pamela's a lucky lady." She said and I smiled wide. It's perfect.

"I'll take it please." I said and she nodded, beckoning me to follow her to the cash register. She rang it up and then looked at me. "That will be $2,349.99 please." She said and I nodded. I wrote her a check and all that jazz and I soon left with the run in a special box in a bag and I left the mall and got into my car. As I buckled up, my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Pam. I smiled and answered the phone. "Hello?" "Hey babe, I'm on my way home." "Ok cool. But listen, I'm not home right now but I will be soon." "Ok see you then, I love you." "I love you too." And with that, I was on my to see my baby.


When I got home, Pam was in the shower and I hid the ring (with it's box) in my dresser drawer. I then turned on the TV in my room and laid down, watching a rerun episode of The Walking Dead. They were at Hershel's farm but it was their last night there. The episode where Dale dies and the nasty pig Shane dies too along with some other characters. Everyone doesn't like Dale but I did; He was a good character. I then heard the door open and out came Pam with nothing on but a towel. I smirked and checked her out, looking up and down her body. "Hot." I said and she jumped, nearly falling backwards.

"I didn't know you were in here." She said with a laugh. "You scared the shit out of me, bitch." She said with a laugh and threw her shirt at me but I ducked and I threw it back at her. She then turned around and dropped the towel, revealing a nice, big, firm ass. I then got up slowly and spanked her ass hard and she turned and glared at me, while I'm a laughing bitch. She threw the towel at me and I realized she's completely naked. She then quickly shrugged on her shirt, seeing me staring set her. She then put on underwear and booty shorts and climbed into bed with me. "What are you watching?" "The Walking Dead."

"Eww." She said and got up then walked downstairs. "Bitch!" I yelled down to her and she flipped me off. "I know you want to!" I yelled and I heard her laugh. I chuckled and continued watching the episode.

~Pam's Pov~

I walked downstairs and I heard Harley yell that I want to fuck her. I mean yes please but I'm not in the mood right now sadly, so I just laughed. I went into the kitchen and put a pot on the stove with water and waited for it to boil. I was making perogies. I sat on the couch and waited for the water to boil.

After eating, I walked upstairs to where my beautiful girlfriend was sleeping. I leaned against the doorway frame and I smiled fondly at her. 'Look at how peaceful she is. She's so beautiful when she sleeps. I love her so much.' I thought. And that's when it hit me; I want to marry her. It hit me like a truck but I accepted it and actually pondered the thought. I shoved it to the back of !y mind, since I needed a nap and didn't want to "over think" anymore. I climbed into bed with her as lightly as I could as not to disturb the sleeping queen. I laid on my side and wrapped my arm around her torso and hugged her close to me. I felt her snuggle up closer and I smiled.

After our nap, the thought of marriage crossed into my mind again and I actually pondered the thought. I've been married only once but to a man. It obviously didn't work out for undisclosed reasons but maybe I'll spill it one day. I guess I'm just afraid it'll turn out like that my last marriage and I don't know if I can go through that again. Just because Harley's been abused, doesn't mean she'll be the abuser.  If I'm going to get married, I first need a ring. Eh, I'll get one when the time is right. But right now, I'm gonna go fuck my girlfriend.

I decided to leave this on a shorter note because I have something big planned for the next chapter :D

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