Chapter 11

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~Poison Ivy's Pov~

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go out and search for her again. I drove my car to her favorite cafe and got out and looked around. I walked towards the door but I stepped on something. I looked down and realized it was Harley's phone. I gaped and and picked it up. I turned it on and saw a picture of us as her lock screen and a tear slipped from my eye. 'Wait, why wouldn't she have her phone on her?' I thought to myself and instantly got worried.

I put in her pin which was the day we started dating and it opened up to her messages. I read the name and saw she was texting me when she lost her phone. I looked at the message in the text box and another tear fell. She was going to come home to me. But then why isn't she with me? That's the thing that worries me. Could someone have picked her up? 'The Joker!' I thought and suddenly the thought of him being alive vanished. He's a liar and a cheat, of course he would fake his death and for multiple reasons too.

I walked back to my car and opened the door but saw tire tracks all over, even on the sidewalk right where her phone was. I followed them with my car and realized where they were heading. The abandoned asylum! Arkham. I stepped on the gas pedal all the way down to the floor and sped to Arkham which was on the other side of the city.

~Harley's Pov~

"Harley I'm not gonna do anything, that's what I'm gonna do!" The Joker said and maniacally laughed and put the scalpel back as the same man took the cart away. I sighed in relief and a tear fell. I tried wiping away with my shoulder but the Joker bent down and gripped my chin in his hand and forced me to look at him. He had a rather tight grip and my jaw bone hurt from the force but I wouldn't let it show. "You can cry, you can scream, because hell, you're gonna be doing a whole lot of that." He said devilishly.

I started crying again and he slapped me with full force and my head whipped back to my left side. My blonde hair covered my face and I started crying. I soon tasted a metallic taste in my mouth and realized it was blood. I composed myself and then looked at him. He stepped closer and whispered something in my ear. "You got a little something right here." He said and pointed to my chin. It took all I had to not bash my head against him but that wouldn't be smart because he has henchmen and plus he could beat me around a lot worse.

I wiped it on his shoulder and smirked at him. He took a deep breathe, stood tall, straightened his purple jacket, and walked out with his henchmen behind him. I sat there confused and after a few minutes, I tried escaping. The zip tie surprisingly was loose enough for me to slip out of and so I did. Right at that moment as I was about to stand up, the door creaked open and I his my hands behind my back, pretending I still had the zip tie on. He had a bat in his hands and was swinging it around.

Suddenly, my dream came flooding back into my mind and I tried my hardest to keep my cool and after a few seconds, as he was approaching me, I did. "Ya know," He said as he stopped a few feet before me. "This could make good practice." He said and finished his sentence with a smirk. I was finding it hard to keep my cool once again and he brought the bat up to his shoulder in front of me and swung with all his might. I tensed up, waiting for searing pain but it didn't come.

I opened my eyes and saw that he was practicing his swinging but he had stayed a distance away so it didn't hit me. I rather a sigh of relief and relaxed myself. He noticed this and walked over to me. "Did you think I was gonna hit you with it? Well of you're so excited for me to, why don't I?" He said and, again, brought the bat up to his shoulders directly in front of me and swung down and I waited for the pain to come but again, it didn't.

Gosh, how am I so lucky?

I heard a nasty crunch and I looked up to see the Joker hovering over one of the henchmen and the other cowering and sobbing in the corner. 'What the fuck just happened!?' I thought to myself and I looked more closely. Blood splattered on the Joker's pale, ghostly face, on his purple suit, on the bat, and floors. I then saw a body laying on the ground with his head bashed in. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes, counting to 100 instead of 10. "See? I told you you'd be doing a lot of crying and crying and screaming." The Joker said with a smirk to the other henchman in the corner. 'What is going on? I am so confused.' I thought. And as if the Joker could read my mind, he said "It's because he didn't bring me my coffee."

~Ivy's Pov~

Who knows what kind of shit she's going through right now. She could be getting tortured and beaten or even worse! God no, I would think of the worst. My mind drifted to the dream she had those couple months ago but I shoved it away, hoping that's not what's she's going through right now. I finally made it to the abandoned asylum and left the engine running in case I needed a quick escape. I ran into the building but saw the doors were locked. 'Wow, way to be smart, Ivy.' I thought to myself and busted the window.

After unlocking the door, I ran until I found the patient's quarters. Harley always told me that she would go Jere to meet with the Joker so that's gotta be the place, right? I made my way until I saw Joker's room. I opened the door but she wasn't in here. 'What even!?' I screamed to myself in annoyance and slammed the door behind me. As if on cue, Joker's henchmen came rounding the corner in a full sprint. I needed to hide quickly but it's only a corridor filled with the patient's rooms so I ran the other way and saw an intersection. I turned left and found a good hiding spot.

I hid in one of the rooms and lucky for me, it was a locker room. I hid in one of the lockers since it was a full body one and shut the door but not all the way so I wouldn't lock myself in. They entered and looked around, then left. 'Phew.' I thought and got out of the locker and opened the door, looking around to make sure that the men left. I continued my goose chase around the asylum and I entered the medicine room. I heard voices but saw no one and no other door. 'What in the world..?' I thought and peered around, looking for a hidden passage.

I saw an outline of a door disguised as the metal wall and just as I was about to open it (with my gun out and loaded of course) the door creaked and I hid behind a counter. I looked over and saw just who I suspected; the Joker with one henchman behind him, pale as a ghost. As the door was closing, I saw a man, most likely the other henchman, dead on the ground with his head bashed on. 'Gosh what a sicko.' I thought as I scrunched up my face in disgust. I peered in the room more and saw just who I was looking for; Harley Quinn!

Before the door could fully close I made eye contact with her and she was also white as a ghost and looked as if she's been crying. The door closed and my heart wrenched with the thought of her in pain. 'I'm coming for ya baby.' I thought and his from the men's view. They left the medicine room and when I heard the door shut, I got out from behind the counter and locked the door. I then opened the hidden metal door and ran to Harley. "Oh baby, I've miss you so much!" I exclaimed and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and when I processed this, she had a smirk. "I slipped out of the zip tie." She said and I smiled then kissed her quickly and grabbed her hand and lead her out of the hidden room.

I had a small bag on my shoulder and before we left the medicine room, I grabbed some needles and filled them with a sleeping drug in case of an emergency. I then unlocked the door and slowly opened it, making sure the coast was clear. It was and we left the room, closing the door quietly behind us. I lead Harley and I out of the corridor and to the main part of the asylum. "It's just over here." I whispered and she nodded. We were about to round the corner leading to the exit but when we did, we faced with the madman himself, the Joker.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said with a demonic smile. 'Oh shit.'

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