Chapter 9

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~Harley's Pov~

"You know it Harley! You know you want to come back to me again!" The Joker yelled and threw his hands up in the air again. "For the last time Joker, no! I don't want to go back with you!" I yelled and took a daring step towards him and got in his face. "Oh yeah? Then how are you fending for yourself? How are you alive after these three months, huh? Surely you'd be dead by now and if not, you'd be caught but I'm afraid you're not. So tell me then, how are you alive?"

"I've been staying with a friend and she's been my support!" "Oh so what, you're a lesbian now?" He dared to say and that's when I hooked him in the jaw. He stumbled backwards but caught himself. He rubbed his jaw and snickered evilly. "You think you can get away with whatever the fuck you want around here, well you're wrong! You're in my house now and I can do whatever I want!" Joker yelled and grabbed my hair and dragged me to a cellar.

He grabbed chain cuffs and put them on my wrists and then slapped me in the face. "You're not going anyway now!" He yelled and continued to abuse me. I couldn't do anything but lay there helplessly. 'He's going to kill me.' I admitted to myself as a kick went straight to my gut. I let the tears fall silently so he doesn't see me as weak. He then left and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was in too much pain to move but I saw him come back with my bat. My bat!

"Looks like you're going to take your final breathe." He said I sobbed and begged for him to stop but he didn't listen. He raised the bat and it came down and I raised my hands in the air. I screamed and right as it was about to hit me, I woke up with a start all sweaty and sobbing. "No no, Joker please don't do this!" I screamed in terror and started having a panic attack. I felt arms wrap around me and I screamed in fear again and I thrashed my arms around trying to get my "attacker" off me but I ended up falling off the bed.

I saw Poison Ivy sitting there bewildered and confused. I sat on the floor like a scared, sobbing, helpless puppy. She got up out of bed and walked over to me slowly. She knelt down beside me and wrapped me in her arms. "It's ok. It was just a dream, ok? You're safe now and you forever will be." Ivy said softly and stroked my hair. My sobs quieted and my breathing started to even. I pulled away and wiped my eyes.

"What was the dream about?" She asked me and I signaled for her to hold on a minute as I composed myself. After that minute I spoke. "I-it was about the-the Joker." I said while my hands were still shaking. I took a deep breathe and spoke again. "I came back to his place and all I got was him abusing me for leaving him. He locked me in a cellar and I... I was in too much pain to move, I couldn't move as he swung that bat down." I said and I started shaking again.

She huge me again and I calmed down. "It was only a dream Harley. That won't ever happen again, do you hear me?" Ivy said and made me look her in the eyes. I nodded and hugged her. "Thank you." I said softly. "You're welcome. Now let's get back to bed, it's after 1 am." She said and pulled me back to bed and I soon fell asleep again.


~Ivy's Pov~

I woke up hours later and the sun was shining in the windows. I saw Harley sleeping soundly next to me and she had a smile on her face. I smiled at that beautiful sight and kissed her forehead before getting out of bed and going downstairs. I was in no mood to make breakfast this morning so I just put a breakfast sandwich in the microwave and plopped down on the couch, watched some tv, and waited for the sandwich to be done.

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