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Mum had told me that she would show me who Ross was so I could ask him if he wanted a job back at the garage until Cain or Dan gets back.
So as I sat at the bar with my mum behind it, she pointed Ross out to me as he walked in and my jaw fell...It was the same guy who I had an awkward encounter with the previous night... The same guy who I stared at because he was gorgeous! Now just to finish of the humiliation I was just about to offer him a job. I am going to look like a stalker!
Here it goes
"Are you Ross" I asked as he walked past me.
"who wants to know?" he said in an rude tone.
"Me! and I want to know because I was wondering If you wanted to do some shifts at the garage because I hear you worked there before and as it is just me working there as Dans on holiday and Cain is away on business in France
I could really use the help"I stated it as clearly as possible to make him realise how serous I was.
"Alright then I suppose I could as I've got nothing better to do" Ross said not sounding that bothered about it at all.
" thanks mate really appreciate it" I said and then offered to buy him a beer as we sat down.
Ross really wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. I must have chatted to him for over and hour and he really seemed like a nice guy when you get to know him. Not to mention the fact I had a huge crush on him.
My phone stared to ring so I walked toward the bar to answer it.


Yes Aaron had offered me a job! I couldn't have been more excited. Maybe I should tell him that I knew he was at the quarry last night because I was the Unknown figure watching him but I thought he might think I'm a stalker and sack me before my first day so I decided not to,well,at least not right this moment.
I couldn't help but smile even though I was carrying a secret which could ruin everything. As I was sat down in the corner of the pub I overheard Aaron on the phone to someone I think he called him Robert. Aaron was telling him to stay away because he doesn't love him anymore and could never love him again after what he did. I realised I shouldn't have been eavesdropping so decided to not listen and just mind my own business but I couldn't help but notice Aaron was in a right mood after that phone call.
I decided to go home to get some kip before work tomorrow otherwise I might play 20questions with Aaron and I really didn't want my face smashed in so I left.


Why did he have to call after all this time? Why couldn't he just piss of with that rich bitch Chrissie and never come back? He was wasn't wanted in the village everyone hates him after they found out he cheated on me again.
Robert flaming Sugden! why I wish you were dead then you wouldn't be able to make me feel like this. As I went to sit back down with Ross I realised he'd gone. Great just great!
Had he heard my conversation with Robert and felt uncomfortable? Or was I just creeping him out in general? Questions upon questions were pilling up I my head and they just had to stop so I could think.

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