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*Disclaimer - I don't own any of the characters from Emmerdale or the actors! I'm just writing because I love to write fan-fiction*


Aaron was left in charge of the garage while Cain was away on business in France. So Aaron, being his nephew, was left in charge.

Dan had left Aaron on his own as he had taken Kerry on holiday to help with their "relationship issues"

Aaron had decided he needed to hire someone to help him out. While Aaron had been in prison Debbie, Aaron's cousin, had hired someone before to take Aaron's job but he couldn't remember his name. "Oh well my mum might know it" he said to himself as he closed the garage for the day and went back to the pub for a pint.


As I walked into the pub I heard a noise well to be honest, it was more like screaming and straight away I knew who it was "Mum" I yelled as I darted through the doors.

It turns out my mum thought chucking a pint over a man for calling her a babe isn't a good enough punishment, so she thought chucking the glass with it was.

She got taken to the police station and cautioned because the man thought she was a psycho!

Anyway as my mum and I walked into the back room after  I picked her up from the station... I remembered that I needed to know the man who got my job when I was in prison, so I thought now was a better time than ever to ask her if she knew his name

"Mum" I asked
"Yes darling" she said, as she made herself a cup of tea.

"Do you know who the man was who got my job when I was in prison because I need to hire some one, as I can't do all the work at the garage on my own, Dans away with Kerry and Cain's in France".
"Yeah his name is Ross Barton, James son he now works up at Moria's every  now and then."

Ross Barton I thought to myself, sounds like a hot bloke. I wonder if I've seen him in the village before, I haven't seen a lot of people since I've been back.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my mum waving a cup of tea in my face . "Are you ok love you seem a little distracted" my mum asked as we sat down.

"No I'm fine" I said trying as hard as possible to avoid another awkward conversation I couldn't exactly say I was thinking about this Ross bloke and wondering whether or not he was hot.

As I walked through to the bar to help my mum with pouring drinks, I noticed a man sat down in the corner and damn he was gorgeous! His hair was black and it was gelled back like mine. The guy wore black jeans, a black sleeveless t-shirt which was clearly to show of his muscles but it obviously worked because he got my attention.
I couldn't help but stare... he was fucking drop dead hot!

I turned to look the other way, I had no idea he had noticed me staring at him until I turned back around to look at him to see him standing right at the bar, his eyes were amazing up close.

"Have you got a problem mate" he asked obviously annoyed I was looking at him.

"No, can I get you anything? "I said quickly as I didn't trust my self to say anymore as I was scared I would say something stupid.

"Just a pint please" he said as he pulled out his wallet and handed me the money.


The man behind the bar, Aaron, I think his name was staring at me and God he was fit. No one knew I was gay but damn Aaron was a nice piece of meat which I wanted to chew on.

He had no idea I knew he was looking at me, which I thought was adorable! I decided I wanted another pint so I could get a closer look at him and let me tell you the view was amazing up close as he gave me my pint and change, I noticed he had scars on his arm. I wondered where he'd got them from but didn't think much of it as I realised I was staring at him and quickly became embarrassed so I took my pint and went to sit down before I embarrassed myself further.


He stared at me for a while I wondered what he was thinking maybe he like me I thought to myself but shook it of as he took his pint and practically ran away from me.

I went to walk back through to the back room but accidentally bumped into my mum and she fell over and banged her head hard, "Mum,  I'm so sorry" I said feeling really guilty.

"Its fine love don't worry about it" she said trying to make me feel better. I could already see the bruise forming on her head.

"Mum, I'm so sorry, you'll need to put some ice on that" I said still feeling really bad for making her fall over.

"Aaron love stop panicking I'm fine just  a bump on the head that's all, it probably knocked some sense into me actually" she said trying to laugh it off.

I got her some ice and decided to go for a walk to get my head straight. Once again I was rejected by a bloke, after Robert I thought the it would get easier and the pain would lessen and I would find someone new and be able to date again and maybe one day love again.

Somehow I ended up at the quarry. It was my favourite place, it was peaceful, isolated and the perfect place to think. I came here a lot after Robert left me for that rich bitch. It was the ideal place for me to think and re-evaluate my future, without the man who I thought was the love of my life.

Now here I was stood on the edge of the quarry getting lost in my own thoughts and I took a step forward.

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