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The look on Aaron's face was pure terror as I turned slowly to look at him. Robert had a smug look on his face which made me want punch him. As I looked back an fourth from Aaron to Robert I could see that Robert wanted Aaron back, but Aaron didn't even want to be in the same room as him.
"I think you should go mate" I said trying to keep my cool.
"I'll do what I want, I don't take orders from you"Robert answer which really annoyed me.
"Leave now" I said just about a inch away from losing it.
"Piss of" He said with a huge grin of his face.
"wrong choice of words mate" I said just before I dragged him out of the pub by the hood of his leather jacket and chucked him into the hard gravel outside.
"Do me a favour and piss of back to where you came from because your not wanted here you get me"I said before walking back inside to a very calm and patient Aaron.


I couldn't believe he actually came back and thought I would take him back after what he done to me. I thought I'd made myself very clear on the phone the other day that I didn't want him back, clearly his brain cells have gone on vacation.
Ross had taken care of the annoyance named Robert and was no walking back over to our table for a now very late lunch.
"Has it gone" I asked being a little curious.
"I made it very clear he wasn't wanted here and if he had any sense at all he would go back were he came from" Ross answered me straight away in confidence which made me feel safe and secure.

Little did either of them know Robert was about to cause them a lot more pain in the next up coming days!

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