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Ross was stood there with a knife in his hand about to kill Robert as I burst through te door into the room, the state Robert was in was disgusting, he looked like hell! It was highly amusing and entertaining to see but looked painful at the same time.
"Ross no" I yelled, even though I wanted nothing more than to see Robert suffer I couldn't just let Ross do him in as I know from experience that killing someone will haunt you for the rest of your life.
"But he deserves it a.."he began but I cut him off.
"It will haunt you for the rest of your life, trust me I know"I said as I remembered my dreadful past.

Robert began whimpering on the floor,pathetic right, at least I had stoped Ross from killing him which was a huge relief.
"Put the knife back and go" I said to Ross.
"What about him?! Ross asked me.
"I'll sort it, just go now" I commanded.
Ross left quickly and I lowered myself down to Roberts level.
"I'm going kill you... f for this" he whispered as he winced in pain.
"I...honestly don't know what to say, do you need help to get up, your ribs looked seriously bruised and your face looks like you had a fight with a rhino" I said trying not sound sincere and not to laugh.
"Is that supposed to be funny, cause it won't be funny when I prosicute your asses all the way to jail" He screamed in my face.
"I guess I'll go then" I whispered as I got up and walked to the door.
When I turned to look back at the half dead Robert a idea came to mind( what if Ross goes to prison for protecting me, I can't let that happen) so I turned back around to face Robert my fists clenched and slowly and quietly walked towards him.
His face dropped as I brought my fist to his face and with no noise at all he dropped to the floor.
When the coast was clear I used to fire escape and dragged his knocked out body to the boot of my car my hood was up so even if there was cctv they wouldn't recognise me, but there wasn't anyway because early when I arrived I cut the cable so it wasn't recording just to be safe.
I dumped Robert in the back of my car and drove off.

This isn't going to end well is it I thought to myself as I drove off down the road.

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