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I tied him to a chair and taped his mouth shut and I was enjoying every second of it. Seeing him powerless was great and seeing him suffer was even better.

" Asshole" Robert called out as I ripped tape of his mouth to deliberately cause him pain.

"What was that?" I asked giving him an excuse to say it again so I was giving myself a reason to punch him.

"Asshole" he repeated.

"Big mistake" I said with a smirk on his face.

I punched straight in the nose, and I distinctively heard it crack as it connected with my fist.

"oops, I bet that one hurt" I said as I looked at my already bruised knuckles .
"And look at that your face has messed up my beautiful knuckles. I said with a sarcastic sad face on show.

"Why are you doing this to me I ain't done nothing wrong"he said in between sobs.

"But you have, you cheated on Aaron twice, then you return to the village wanting him back, then you go and pull that little stunt in the pub last night expecting to get away with it, no chance mate, now your gonna pay for it, trust me" I said with a wicked smile plastered across my face.


"Have you seen Ross" I asked my mum as I sat down at the bar.
"No love sorry, I haven't seen him since yesterday when he took of like Greece lightning in his car when he got of the phone"she said with a sympathetic look on her face.
"Oh alright then, he just wasn't in work this morning.
I knew deep down that Ross was pathologically incapable of behaving  himself and I knew deep down where he was, he was with Robert.
I wonder how he found out where Robert was staying until he remembered his mum told him Ross was on the phone before he took of in his car and soon enough Aaron knew how Ross found Robert and he knew he had to find Ross and stop him from doing something he would regret for the rest of his life.

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