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I knew I shouldn't of left but after I had heard Aaron on the phone to this Robert guy I realised Aaron was all worked up about it so I decided to leave so Aaron could cool down.
Day by day Aaron started to mean more and more to me. When ever he and I were in the same room shivers ran down my spine and I felt numb.
Was I in love with Aaron Dingle?
Maybe I was, but no one has to know about it. That was my secret and it was going to say mine for as long as I wanted it to.


I had gotten the noises in head to stop no one needs to know how I got them to stop, but I did,eventually.
These where my secrets.MINE!
No one else needs to know about them. There not their problem, I will deal with them on my own like I always do.
People could never understand the amount of pain and suffering I have  gone through.


Why can't I stop thinking about Aaron?
He's all I can think about. He's in my head 24/7 . I haven't seen him since yesterday, I though he probably needed some space after that heated phone call with this so called Robert guy.
I start work tomorrow, and I've got say I am actually excited to be spending time with Aaron!
Does that make me sound like a creep with a teenage crush?
Oh who cares if it does, I really like Aaron I just wish he knew that.
But Ross's problems where about to get a whole lot worse?

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