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After receiving the statement firm Mr Sugden we headed strait to Emmerdale village to arrest Mr Barton for attempted murder, we knew we'd find him at the woolpack pub with Mr Dingle so we decided to start there.
As we entered the pub we indeed found Mr Barton talking to the every well known Aaron Dingle at the bar.
"Mr Barton we are arresting you on the suspicion of attempted murder you do not have to say anything but anything you so say will be written down and given as evidence which we may later rely on in court" the officer said.
An we then lead him out of the pub ignoring Mr Dingles angry comments and into the police car.


I wasn't going to resist arrest, what's the point in that. Robert is obviously still alive, which Aaron didn't realise when he dumped the body in the place he told me about when he came back from doing it.
I'm going to prison for protecting the man I've came to love.

I've tried every possible way to get Ross of the hook but he keeps telling me to leave it he doesn't want to get out.
He keeps saying to leave him there and move on because otherwise I'll just spend years of my life waiting for someone to get out of a place they might never leave.

2 weeks later- Aaron

Ross got sent down for 9 years yesterday afternoon, I told him I'd wait for him no matter what and he just said he would always love me but that's he doesn't want me to have to wait for him, whatever that means but I will, I always will, because he stole my heart.

1 week later
I could here my phone ringing so I ran downstairs to answer it
"Hello" I said
"Is this Aaron Dingle" he lady said.
"It is"I replied
"I'm calling from ( prison name ) I'm afraid an inmates called Ross Barton killed himself early this morning..."
I dropped the phone and collapsed on the floor in tears. My mum came in and dropped on her knees in front of me and asked what was wrong.
After I told her what I'd just heard she cried with me on the floor.

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