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I left Roberts lifeless body deep in the woods no one would find it there, I didn't know what else to do at the time I mean my dead ex was in the back of my car I couldn't just drop it of at the morgue and say 'hey my boyfriend just killed my ex wanna take his body of my hands' that's just irrational.
So now he's in the woods underneath a load of leaves and sticks for internity.
Now back to the pub for a pint my Conscience tells me.


I wake up half buried in a pile of leaves, dirt and slowly and carefully grab my dizzy body up towards the nearest road which is about 10-15 minutes away. As I get to the road I wait faintly for a car to drive by.
Eventually one approaches and I manage to get a ride to the hospital but go unconsious before we arrive, when I wake police are waiting to imterview.
Well Ross how does attempted murder sound on your record

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