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It's Aaron he's going to be fine, the doctors say it's a miracle considering the height he fell from but because you found him so soon he is gonna live"his mother Chas said with a smile on her face which was soaking wet from the tears which where streaming down her face.
"You can goin and see Aaron if you want "These words shocked me but I wasn't going to argue so I muttered a quick thank you and rushed out of the waiting room down the hall and into room 17 which was his.

I opened the door and met with his mesmerising eyes and the first thing out of both of his mouthchanged my life for ever...
"I love you"
I couldn't believe it, I don't really remember my response I just remember kissing him for what felt like hours.
I was just so happy!

I was in agonising pain from the fall but my new best friend morphine helped me there.
I have absolutely no idea how I survived the fall some part of me hopes it has something to do with Ross. That somehow that he was protecting me because he wanted me to live on not only for myself but for him as well.
As soon as I saw Robert I had this feeling in my stomach, like I knew this is what he wanted me to live on for.

It was like a mixture between happiness an worry, I knew why I was feeling the happiness but I was worried, worried that he was angry with me because of what I did. Even tho I knew deep down inside that he would never be angry at me but I still couldn't the shake the feeling.

But as soon as he walked into my room the fear went away and I said those three word which I knew would change both our lives for ever...
"I love you"

And from that moment on I knew our lives would never be the same again.

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