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I heard Robert moaning and growing from the other side of the room.
"Oh shut up!!!" I yelled as I was already sick of hearing his voice and I only been there for one night.
"Make me" he said with a smirk on his face.
"You really wanna go there, OK but you  remember one thing you asked for it".
Roberts face dropped as I  started to beat the crap out of him, every punch hurt and every kick to the side sent a ripple of pain across his chest.
By the time I had finished Roberts ribs were black and blue all over, his eyes were both black and his nose was pouring of blood and you couldn't even make out his mouth as it was Smothered with blood from his nose.
"You going to be a good boy now" I asked.
Robert didn't reply he just looked at me with a face what said do really think I'm stupid enough to not behave.
"Good" I said as I walked over to the mini fridge near the door and got myself a beer and turned back to look at the pathetic excuse of a human called Robert,who if I'm being honest looked as I he was about to cry.


Ross wasn't picking up and I was starting to get worried I hadn't seen him in almost 2 days and I was worried he was with Robert and I ain't taking about having tea and biscuits, I know when Ross goes to see someone it ain't normally a legal conversation. It's  either a illegal job or to give them a battering, and since Ross would never make a deal with Robert I'm going to say he's unfortunately had the  battering and now I've got to find them before Robert ends up in the graveyard.
And then l probably have to unfortunately have to take him to A&E even though I'd rather dump him by the side of the road and let him lay there in excruciating pain until someone else finds him, actually I think I might do just that, I think it'll make me feel better at least.
But I have to find out where they are first, and that won't be as easy as it sounds.

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