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After what seemed like hours of phoning and texting all of Ross's contacts to see if he'd been in contact with them to find Robert those who said yes I asked them for the information they gave Ross, to find out where Ross and Robert where, I'd finally tracked down.
I just hoping Ross hasn't already put him into a early grave.
As fast as I could, I ran out the back of the pub and to my car and took of like Greece lightning!


I've been here for about 2 or 3 days now, tormenting and slowly killing Robert and it was extremely entertaining, I knew soon enough though I'd have I make a decision, do I kill him and take the risk of not being caught? Or do I leave him alive and hope he doesn't grass on me?
From what I've heard from Aaron he ain't the forgiving type so I'm better of killing him but that's easier said than done, I know I have to do this though as he's caused everyone so much pain they'd be better of without him, everyone would.
I walked over to the kitchen area in the hotel room, and pulled out the sharpest knife there, my heart was pounding faster than a cheetah running, it was beating so fast I thought it was going to rip out of my chest any second. Slowly but surely I walked back into the other room where a petrified Robert waited patiently to meet his fate.
When Robert saw I had a knife he turned as white as a ghost, even through his two swollen, black eyes which actually looked really bad in the sunlight.
As I took at step towards him some one kicked the door in and ran inside and my heart literally felt like it was about to stop beating as I looked into the eyes of a desperate...

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