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I never knew Ross would kill himself I just wanted Revenge because he took Aaron away from me.
When I cheated on Aaron with Chrissie, twice it meant nothing just a few drunken mistakes. But then Aaron found out and he left me so I went with Chrissie because I was afraid of being vunerable and alone, but then I returned to the village because I told Chrissie i would never be able to love her because I still and always will love Aaron.
But then I see Ross Barton with Aaron and I acted really stupidly because I was jealous.
I guess that's why I reported him to the police because I thought with Ross out the way I could get Aaron back, only I've heard Aaron's really torn up about Ross and has gone missing.
So here I am know walking around the quarry looking for him. Only I can't find him so I decide to take a 5 minute break and sit down.
A few minted later my heart stops as I see someone jump off the other side of the quarry.
I can't breathe because I know deep down who it was...
Straight away I'm on my feet running down the quarry towards the body on the floor. But I'm to late, the love of my life is lifeless on the floor with a photo of him and Ross in his hand. I lift him into my arms and give him one last hug as I know after this moment I'll never be able to hold him again.
"You stole my heart the first time I layed eyes on you, you know" I whisper inbetween crying. "And you'll always have it no matter what... Goodbye Aaron Dingle... I hope you find Ross on the other side" and after saying that I burst into tears"
I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and call for the emergency services and then put my phone away.

I should of just kept my stupid mouth shut in the pub that day...
I should of just forgotten about what Ross did...
I should of never of cheated on Aaron in the first place
I should of never of taken that 5 minute break...

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