Part -20

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Darkness consumed me for a long period of time, until I saw nothing but white light.
Am I dead I thought to myself?
I could see every person who I've ever lost around me!
-My old dog back when I used to live with paddy

I could hear a faint sound of beeping on one side and whispers from the dead on another...
Do I keep fighting and be with Robert or do I finally let go and go to Ross?
This was crossing mr mind when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I spun around to be meet with those brown eyes and slick black hair!
"Ross"I silently screamed, as I hugged the one man I missed more than life it's self, I cried onto his shoulder.
We spoke for what felt like hours even though it was like 5 minutes.
And during those five minutes I had made up my mind...

I was going to...


Had to tell Robert what has happened, he needs to know that Aaron is...

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