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"I love you"Ross screamed at me as I was walking away, stopped dead in my tracks, I turned and faced him my jaw hanging like a leaf on a tree in Autumn.
My head was spinning like a washing machine. I couldn't think straight, this has to be a joke!
"what?" was all I could manage to say.
"I...I love you!" he repeated with a sparkle in his eye.
" But, your not even gay" I said I was really confused by this point. Ross Barton is gay, the village bad ass was into guys. Not including me of course!
"Actually, I am" he said sounding cocky and proud at the same time.
"But you've been with so many girls" I stuttered "Wouldn't that make you bi not gay" I asked in confusion.
"I have never liked girls, ever, there just fun to be with I guess" Ross said with a smug look on his face.
"This is hurting my head"I said rubbing my forehead with my hand.
"Can we go to the pub for lunch and talk about this" Ross asked looking like a sad little puppy.
"sure" I said quickly trying to get my head around everything what has just happened, I locked up and we walked to the pub.


The words rolled out of my mouth before I could stop them. I'd finally told Aaron the truth about how I feel about him and I didn't regret it one bit.
Aaron was the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, I  knew it deep down. It was a gut feeling and we all know you never doubt your gut.

As we walked into the pub I felt Chas stare at me a I sat down at a table with Aaron at the far said if the pub. Did she not like me or something? Well she probably just thinks I'm a bad influence on Aaron which to be fair she  wouldn't exactly be wrong would she, I am the village hardman(not including Aaron though he would batter me)
I would never admit that to him though his ego is big enough already. Mine is bigger though!

I smile came across my face as I looked into Aaron's eyes. God knows what  I would give right now to know what he was thinking.


I didn't even know what to say to him.
No less than 5 minutes ago I didn't  even have a clue Ross was the one at the quarry the other ynight not to mention the fact that he was gay and had a crush on me.
I was just about to say something to Ross when my ex Robert Sugden walked through the door and looked straight at me and said " well ain't you glad to see me" with a conniving grin on his face.

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