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Ross had gone home as he had to be in early for work tomorrow, I'd gone to bed early also because I had a headache.Why did he have to come back here? He knows everyone here despises him!
I really like Ross, he's a great laugh, he's gorgeous and he knows how to defend himself which is great because then I don't have to do for him like I had to for Robert when ever he got himself into a fight.
Robert coming back brought a lot of feelings back, feelings which I Buried along time ago. I'd Loved Robert once  and he broke my heart, to the point where I nearly chucked myself of a quarry! When I though Ross rejected me and ran a mile which I though was because I was gay it reminded me of Robert leaving me for RICH BITCH CHRISSIE!!! And that's a feeling I will never forget. I was deep in though when something popped into my head ,if Roberts back I bet Chrissie is  as well.
Well this is going to be an exciting week!


Aaron was horrified to see this Robert guy back so I got rid of him.  Aaron wasn't quite the same after that, I told Aaron I was going home but I wasn't I was going to find out where Robert was staying and I wasn't going to leave until I'd made it clear he wasn't welcome here.
I'd found out Robert was staying at a hotel called Oak wood inn, time to make a great first impression.
"Can I help you" the lady at reception asked kindly.
"Erm yes I'm looking for a Robert Sugden he's a friend of mine can you tell me what room he's in please"I said with the most innocent look on my face possible.
"Yes just one second, he's on the 4th floor room 147" she answered with a smile on her face.
"Thank you so much, have a nice day" I said before waking to the elevator and going to the 4th floor, the doors opened and I walked to room 147 and knocked into the door and within a second it opened.
"Hello mate" I said before punching him and walking into the room dragging him with me before closing the door quickly behind me.
This is going to be an interesting night I though to myself.

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