Because of Love

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Hello readers! Thank you for the 290 reads and votes! That's quite a lot! Thank you for reading up 'till now and sorry for the long update, I'm kind of lazy nowadays :/ Sorry, and thanks for the wait! And there will be slight NaLi in this story though I hate that pair so much, I'm feeling quite guilty but, Here's the new chapter, Enjoy!

Lucy de Fiore's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I stretched my back, I rubbed my eyes and looked around.


Oh right, I slept here yesterday.

Taking a clearer look around my surroundings, I noticed that Natsu was nowhere to be found.

"Natsu? Natsu! Where are you?" I shouted as I looked around frantically. The only reply I got was the howling noise from the wind.

Shit, did he rat on me?

Feeling betrayed, I quickly gathered my things and was ready to leave until I heard a familiar voice echoing through the woods.

"Wow someone sure has gusto in the morning." Natsu said as he carried a bag of food while walking towards me.

"Where were you?" I asked with a hint of distrust.

"Sorry, just went to get some breakfast for us." He said as he scratched his head awkwardly.

I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders as I let out a sigh unintentionally. "Don't scare me like that!" I said.

He laughed again as he placed the bag down on the grass, "Sorry sorry, but it still hurts to see how little trust you have in me."

I looked at him pointedly and he just raised his hands in surrender, "Aight, I'm sorry." I grinned.

He took out some jam from the bag, "Bread?" I nodded in response. He took out a piece of bread and spread jam all over the surface.


He smiled, "You like jam?"

I looked at him in mock surprise, "Who doesn't like jam!" He laughed again. His laughter is so contagious that I laughed along with him.

And that was how we spent our morning. After that we walked around town aimlessly with cloaks covering our faces to prevent other people from recognizing us.

Just as we passed by an inn, I saw a poster with our faces on it. "What on earth..." I mumbled.

What a great way to start my morning!

Natsu ripped the poster off quickly. He grabbed my hand and said in a strained voice, "Let's go." We cut through the crowd and returned to the grass plains. "W-Wait! Where are we going?" I asked.

He ignored me and mounted Lily, and I quickly followed suit.

Natsu is being awfully quiet.

Anger was clearly radiating off him and it is quite frightening. I kept my silence throughout the whole trip until we arrived infront of a mansion.

There is a rose arch mounted at the entrance as if it was gracing our arrival, along with many more rose bushes ahead.

Natsu walked through arch in long strides. I caught up to him quickly as he opened the mansion doors. Several butlers and maids bowed down politely and said, "Welcome home, Young Master."

Young Master? I see, so this is the Dexent's residence.

I looked around in awe. Although this is certainly smaller than the Palace, it's still a sight to behold.

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