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The rapidly knocking sounds on my car window and thunder woke me up.

I opened my eyes slowly. Pain stinging in my head. The music on the radio was still playing, as so the rain was still sprinkling down constantly.

I tried to comprehend what had just happened. Then I remembered everything. I rolled down my window to meet a guy, he looked about my age but more buff. His clothes all wet and stick to his body from having to stand in the rain that you could see the outline of his muscles.

"Are you okay?" His voice was strong yet sweet as vanilla.

I placed my hand on my temple, my head aching. "Um, yeah. How long was I out for?"

"About five--ten minutes," he answered with some certainty.

I turned off the radio, then realized something. "Oh my God! How long were you standing out there for? I am so sorry--"

"It's okay." He laughed. "I'm just glad that you are okay."

"But, I really am sorry. I should've paid more attention--"

"No, really. It's all good. Nothing bad happened."

"I guess I shouldn't be keeping you out in the rain. Sorry," I said again.

He laughed. It was a warm and genuine laugh. "Are you sure you can drive?"

"Yeah," I simply answered.

He was not convinced. "You know what? Why don't we go stop for a coffee break? There's one around the corner. I'll lead you there. We can go slow."

"Sounds good." I do need to take a break from driving and a cup of hot coffee in this horrible weather.

The guy went back to his car and drove ahead of me.

I rolled my window up and followed him.


I held the hot cup of coffee with both hands to warm them up

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I held the hot cup of coffee with both hands to warm them up. I have two jelly donuts to go with my coffee.

The coffee shop was nice and cozy. We were both sitting on a black couch across from each other.

The barista gave him a hand towel to dry his dirty blonde hair. He was able to recreate a clean-cut look that he probably had and placed the towel on his shoulders.

He looked at me with his hazel green eyes, they were shining in the light like marbles, and he was smiling showing his dimples. His jawline was nice and sharp. He is a good-looking person altogether, not to lie.

I stared back. "Is there something on my face?"

He kept on smiling. "You don't remember me do you?"

I raised my eyebrows. Who could this mysterious guy be?

"I don't blame you. After all, we have only exchange conversation once or twice in high school. But we used to hang out a lot in middle school."

I am so embarrassed that I do not remember him at all but he seemed to know me.

"We went to the same middle school?"

My face is blank.

"And high school?"


"And college? Dude, I am in the dorm room down the hall from you."

That did rings a bell a little. Then the memory slowly coming back to me. Could this really be the same small boy with glasses in my class? Now he is jacked. "Ben?"

"Yes," he answered, smiling again, his teeth like pearls.

"It's been a while," I said.

"Indeed it has."

Wow. That shrimpy little boy in middle school that even I was taller than him has grown to become this hot, model material guy.

"So. What are you up to now?" I tried to make a conversation.

"Well, I've been trying to beat my swimming record. Not much improvement so far."

To think of it again, I had come across some school newsletters about a star of our school swim team that kept winning medals. I did not know it was Ben.

"I'm sure you will. You are the star of the swim team after all," I said as a word of encouragement and took a bite from the jelly donut.

He smiled. Damn that cute dimples on his cheeks. "And you have some awesome talent, Mr. Picasso. Must be cool to have your own gallery at this age."

"I prefer Monet," I joked. "Yeah, it was really--" I paused. "Wait. How did you know?"

"I saw the news. Plus the Dean kept bragging about it. No offense."

I remembered that it was broadcast. I smirked at him.

Then, I did not expect what was happening next. Ben reached out his hand and wiped the jelly off from the side of my mouth, then he licked it away.

I flashed back to the time in New York when Troye had done the same thing.

"Atlas?" I heard him called my name.

He looked apologetic.

"I'm so sorry, I should not have done that."

"Um, no, no. It's not you. It's just..." I trailed off. I picked a spot on the floor to keep my head off those memories.

"You know, to be honest with you, I have always had a crush on you."

That took me by surprise. I looked at him as he was smiling at me.

"I think that you are really cute and smart."

I blushed and could not hold back a smile. I looked at him. He is really hot, but I am still seeing Troye. I cannot be with someone else when Troye is still a ghost haunting my mind. It wouldn't be fair to Ben either.

I stood up. "Um, sorry. This has been really nice, but I have to go."

I felt bad that it had to be like that. He looked a little sad.

I took out my wallet to pay for my coffee and donuts.

"I got it," he said smiling and pushed my hand away. His touch was soft and literally shocked me because of the cold. "Sorry," he said.

We both laughed. "I'm fine."

"I will see you later?" he said.

"Yeah," and I walked out of the coffee shop.

The rain had stopped. Across the sky laid an intense stripe of rainbow.

I could not stop myself from smiling.

Even though I am still probably had a hangover Troye, but I think meeting Ben is just what I needed.

There was a spark between us after all.


To be continued...

for him. (A Troye Sivan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now