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I stared at the clock while waiting for Zoe to finish putting on her makeup.

I felt like I am waiting for something to happen--for someone. Am I still waiting for him? Possibly.

Only a week ago that I thought of Troye as this no-good bratty superstar, but now he is all that I think about.

It wasn't only because of sex.

There is just something about him that makes me feel so complete.

That almost made me barf.

"Atlas!" Zoe yelled.

"Huh? What?" I finally turned away from the clock.

"Are you okay? I've been calling your name for a while now but you don't seem to be present."

"Yeah, of course, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I gave her a smile. "Are we ready?"

I grabbed one of her luggage and headed for the door.

Zoe came up behind me, "Are you still waiting for him?"

"Who? Troye? Nah. Why would I be waiting for him? It's not like we are together or anything," I replied.

She was not convinced by the look on her face, but she decided to drop the topic.

We exited my apartment and making our way to Zoe's.


"Wow!" I gasped, "How did you manage to get this place?"

"Wow!" I gasped, "How did you manage to get this place?"

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The place is really nice and homely. She has a large open space to decorate and create however style she wanted. In one of the corner was her office/working space. Zoe is a photographer and an intern at the Vogue magazine. She had her stunning photographs and my paintings on the walls.

"I know some people," she replied. "And my trust fund."

I sat down her luggage I was carrying and jumped onto her bed.

"Tomorrow is my last day in New York, I'm really going to miss you, Zoe."

"Awe. Me, too," she said and gave me a hug. "You know what? We should go out and celebrate!"

"Again? Do we really have to celebrate every time?" I asked.

"Yes." Zoe smiled, baring her teeth. "C' mon let's go out. It's our last night together!"

"Okay, fine."


(For a better experience, play the video at the beginning here and read on.)

The weather has gotten colder as we were entering winter. The sun is still up in the sky, spreading the last ray of sunshine. But, dark clouds were also gathering around the open sky signaling rain.

Zoe and I took the cab to Time Square. The fluorescent lights exploding like fireworks.

I was overwhelmed by my surroundings and felt a smile across my face.

I love city lights. They were so mesmerizing and very inviting.

After what seemed to be an hour later, Zoe and I had about ten shopping bags each. We were going crazy with all of the sales on clothes and such. But, there were not all for me. Most of the items in the bags were presents and souvenirs for my friends and my sister.

Then, when we were about to enter a restaurant, my heart lights up. Across the street from where we stood, I saw Troye standing alone outside a restaurant.

I was about to wave my hands at him and call his name when suddenly there was a person coming up to him and took his hand--Connor Franta.

They were talking about something funny and then they kissed.

The first raindrops sprinkled down on me and the weights of the shopping bags suddenly weights on me, too.

I dropped everything on the ground. Zoe realized what was going on and she knelt down trying to comfort me.

But, it wasn't working. My heart was shattered into a million pieces. Though I didn't cry. No tears wanting to join the rain.

Troye and Connor, still holding hands, ran to cross the street towards me when the light signaled for the pedestrians to cross.

Troye abruptly stopped when he saw me ten feet away on the ground. The crowd of people passing through, minding their own business.

I gathered my strength, and stood up without any bags with me and bolt away from the spot.

I didn't want to see him nor say anything to him.

I heard Zoe calling after me.

And Connor calling after Troye.

He ran after me. But nothing he says can change anything.

I ran and ran and ran, parting through the crowds.

I am such a fool to think that he would actually want me.


To be continued...

for him. (A Troye Sivan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now