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[i know i'm a sucky writer but if this story was like 'lucky boy' i would be thrilled - k i t]


"What? What the hell does Hamilton want to do with me?" I asked, plopping down on Aaron's couch.

"Didn't say," Aaron shrugged.

"I'm not spending any more time than I have to with that asshole."

"Calm down man. You can bring Laf and Herc."

"So now I need your permission?!"

"Shut up Jonathan! Look, maybe Alex wants to be friends. You ever think of that asshat?"

"Ouch. You cut me deep Burr," I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm starting to see why he doesn't like you."

"Wow, wow. Take his side why don't you? Huh? I thought the great Aaron Burr never sided with anyone. That's your whole 'talk less, smile more' philosophy bullshit!"

"Why are you getting like this? What's the big deal about Alexander fucking Hamilton."

"He makes me feel insecure Burr! Okay? God! Do you know how humiliating it is? When I talk to him I have to look up half the words he says in the dictionary when he leaves the room! I'm not smart, in case you haven't noticed. My parents never planned for me to get anywhere past the tenth grade! I-I can't look at him without wanting to break down because he's from the Caribbean. He's new to the country. He's a year younger than me. He has all this good luck. And he's so fucking smart. I have to stare at him and watch him work at three times the speed I could only dream of working at. I am not capable of anything!

"I cannot tell you how much of a thickskulled loser I feel like when I see his hair bouncing in the halls or see him past out on his laptop! Aaron, don't you understand of how much of a mess this guy makes me be. It's so fucking terrible, but you don't fucking care. Because you're right up there with him." My face was red and my cheeks were burning. My vision became hazy with tears. I hastily wiped away at my face with my sleeves. "I cannot begin to explain how much I hate Alexander fucking Hamilton."

"John. Just talk to him. Maybe he could help you. Giv-"

"The last thing I need is pity advice from that twit."

"Well too bad, because that's what you're going to fucking get!"

So Burr promised me ten dollars if I went to the coffee shop to 'hang out' with Alex. I agreed and we left. I was still so heated from everything I had said earlier, but I didn't want him to see me like this. Not him of all people. I tried to wipe everything away but my eyes were still slightly red.

My face was splotchy and my hair was sticking up from me constantly running my hands over it. I took a deep breath and got down and out of the car. I trailed behind Aaron and Hercules with Laf at my side. None of them had an issue with him, it was just me.

"Calm down John. It'll be just like meeting him for the first time," Laf says trying to calm me down. Why was I so nervous?

"I wish," I murmured.

We walked in and there was Alex, sitting by himself, against the wall at the table in the corner. He wasn't paying much attention, just bobbing a tea bag into a mug and looking around. He made eye contact with me and perked up. He smiled awkwardly and the hers of us started to move over to him. Hercules ordered drinks and Aaron practically shoved me into the seat directly across from Alex.

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