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Before I knew it, Aaron was gone, out of sight. And I was completely and entirely alone in a house full of drunk college students. Not fun.

"You look new," someone scoffed behind me. I turned.

"I-I...uh... I am."

"Name's Madison. James Madison."

"I-I'm Alex."

"Nice to meet you. So what? You gonna be a lawyer or something?"

"Yeah... S-Something like that."

He chuckled. "Hey Thomas! I've got some new meat for you by the door!" he shouted.

"Bring him over!" someone shouted back.

James dragged me over to a group of guys by my sleeve. "Uh, hi?" I practically whimpered. They shoved a red cup in my hand, spilling some beer on my shirt. I looked around, slightly panicking, looking for someone, anyone, Aaron Burr.

"I'm Thomas," one of them said. "This is my frat."

"It's, uh, n-nic-"

"Hey, Burr! They say you brought this guy in," Thomas stated.

"Yeah, I did. He's a friend. A pre-law major friend. Don't fuck him up, okay?" Aaron came into view and put a hand on my shoulder. Oh, thank God!

"Relax, a couple cups won't hurt him. Look at him, he can handle it, can't you Hamlin?" Thomas slurred.


"Whatever. Drink some more." He tipped the cup back into my mouth.

"Thomas, c'mon man. Don't get him drunk okay? This is his first party and -"

"Then we have to get him drunk. Madison! Make sure Hamilton's always got a cup full, alright? Burr and I are gonna have a word," he hiccuped.

"Alex, be smart!" Burr shouted back as Thomas pushed him away.

"I-I really shouldn't-"

"You really should."




"Stop. Drink." And I did. I drank cup after cup until I felt a fuzzy feeling in my ribs. I could feel the alcohol flowing through me. By this time, everyone had gotten bored of some new kid who could hold his liquor. So I was alone again, except now I was getting drunk. Everything was starting to get hazy and all of a sudden someone spun me around.

"Told ya I'd see you here." Lee.

"I need burn," I slurred.

"Burr? He left. He bounced with Madison." He was rubbing my forearms.


"Oh, yeah. He told me to come get you, take you home." He slipped his index fingers into my belt loops.

"Hey! Ge-Get off ofme."

"You're helpless Hamilton."

I shoved against him and ran through the sweaty crowd of people grinding on each other or making out. Charles caught my hand. "Letmego Lee!" I shouted.

"Let him go!" I spun clumsily on my heel and fell into someone's arms. I looked up and saw Aaron.

"Way to be buzzkill, Burr," Charles scoffed.

"We're going home, Alexander." I nodded and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he helped me walk.

"M'sorry," I hiccuped once we were outside. Everything was still.

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