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I felt so much pressure leave. Because I was saying things I'd been dying to get off my chest. "That's more than I have. How can you be so social? How can you be this popular?" I stated.

"That's how I was raised. If you don't have friends, you have nothing. That was my mother's motto growing up, and as much as I hated it, and still hate it, I still live by it. But why does that bother you? You have such a wide ass vocabulary and you talk literally non-stop," John replied like the smartass he is.

I chuckled. "There's a difference between talking and being social. I'm on the lore awkward end of the spectrum, and I've never been good at making friends. I was raised to treasure my education over everything else. I've always envied your ability to keep conversations going so easily. How easily you can make friends. How you can go up to a random person and talk for hours where as I would get shooed away in a matter of seconds."

John shrugged. "It's how you were raised I guess."

"I guess." It wasn't late, like at all, maybe 3 o'clock. "Um J-"

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" he asked. Sit definitely caught me off guard.


"A walk? Like you and I... I-I mean, just so we could get to know each other...." he trailed. I looked down at my empty cup.

"Sure. That sounds good. It's nice outside."

He smiled softly and we left. It really was nice outside. I kept my hands in my pockets and my eyes forward. And John did the same. I assume, I wasn't staring at him. But I did look at him from time to time. We didn't talk much, but it was okay. For once, I didn't want to strangle him.

"What's your favourite colour?"


"Me too," he said. "What's your favourite food?"

"I don't have a specific. I'll eat just about anything you put in front of me. But I am a sucker for pasta."

"Really? I'm a sucker for burgers."

"Good to know," I chuckled. It settled on me after my laugh how awkward that really was "What's your favourite... Uh.... animal?"

"Really?" he laughed. "Turtle."


"What's your favourite music genre?"

"I'm a sucker for pop but also classical."


"It helps me stay calm and focused."

"Oh. I really like rock, but I'm a sucker for classical too. Maybe a little Broadway."

I stopped. "Broadway?"

He stopped. "Yeah. I mean, you gotta pick up something in New York."

"Have you ever seen a show?"

"Two. I've seen Phantom and Newsies."

S T U D Y [Hamilton AU] (LAMS)Where stories live. Discover now